Kohei Yoshida wrote:
On 11/3/06, Mathias Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Let's put it that way: it should be possible to integrate something even
if the original goal laid out in the spec wasn't reached but the result
is "good enough". "Good enough" means that we could live with it even if
nothing was changed until the release date. This is something you always
must take into account, especially in case of community development.
We never should accept unfinished UI work in a way that parts of the
necessary functionality *willingly* don't work to a degree that users
will expect in a professional application. This can't be described by a
fixed percentage but I assume that it can be judged with common sense.
If developer, QA and other participants agree that it's good enough,
then let's take it.

I like the way you put it.  This is essentially what I was trying to
say in my post.  Looks like we're on the same page here.

But note how "the original goal laid out in the spec wasn't reached" implies that there was a spec to begin with.


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