Michael Meeks wrote:

>       As I've said before, I am certain that the process of designing a UI is
> best done either in a UI Engineers head, or on some paper, or even
> better with several iterative prototype models and filmed & analysed
> studies of test subjects using each etc. The spec. document should not
> be used as part of a workflow, but -only- to communicate relevant
> information about the finished result to interested parties; hence my
> desire to remove the IMHO unhelpful iTeaming aspect.

Let's put it that way: it is not forbidden to use the spec as part of
the workflow ;-) but of course it's also not mandatory. And at least for
me the purpose of an iTeam never was to create a spec upfront but to
continuously give input when a feature is developed where at the end of
the development we have an implementation and a specification describing
it sufficiently. So it also goes without a saying that in many cases an
iTeam is superfluous and at the end was just a list of people that had
to do their job (dev, QA etc.).


Mathias Bauer - OpenOffice.org Application Framework Project Lead
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