Niklas Nebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If we consider User Experience involvement with UI changes
> important, we can't skip that step whenever they are too busy to
> look at a specific issue. Otherwise, we could do the same with QA:
> If they don't object within two weeks, a change is integrated. That
> would speed up things, too. :-)
Hi Niklas,

well, I guess the issue here is that UX has proven to be much more of
a bottleneck than QA in the past. See that quoted issue in one of the
first mails of this thread forest, where UX did not respond for ~.5

And while I think that UI cohesiveness/usability is important, I would
compromise it (temporarily), to have otherwise useful and properly
QAed features integrated - in the case an UX feedback request has
timed out. 

And besides that, with documents like

devs and QA should be able to design/verify "good-enough" UI in the
first place - I would be very surprised if any UI atrocities would
survive a proper QA cycle then.

Given all this, I also second the timeout proposal.


-- Thorsten

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