Niklas Nebel wrote:

> Mathias Bauer wrote:
>>>     Primarily interaction with User Experience, but also Documentation,
>>> l10n - I'd like to ensure not only that they have a clearly defined
>>> opportunity to comment / have their say; but that their window of
>>> opportunity here is time limited :-) "'discuss' with ... UserEx" is
>>> fundamentally synchronous, and very hard to verify later, and perhaps
>>> open to lots of problems. Much as I hate process, I'd like to be able to
>>> point to a mailing list post and say "no replies in 2 weeks" =>
>>> uncontroversial & approved.
>> I see. I think at least no developer (neither Sun or non-Sun) will have
>> any problem to agree here. :-)
> One does. If we consider User Experience involvement with UI changes 
> important, we can't skip that step whenever they are too busy to look at 
> a specific issue. Otherwise, we could do the same with QA: If they don't 
> object within two weeks, a change is integrated. That would speed up 
> things, too. :-)

If they are too busy doing other things I assume that they don't see the
issue as important enough to work on it. In this case I don't see a
problem going on without them. We can't make UX the "single point of
failure" as currently where gazillions of issues are going mouldy being
assigned to "requirements" and some patches aren't looked at because we
are waiting for input from UX.

If we ask developers to work on patch integration we also can expect
some readiness for cooperation from UX. And a possible response in a 2
weeks time frame could be "I don't have enough time for all the details
but I don't consider this to be critical so please go ahead". In case
they don't have time but consider it to be important something is going
wrong and must be escalated.

The importance of UX input is overestimated in many cases (IMHO). This
is different for QA where I don't expect that we can do without. But QA
can be done by people outside of Sun as all necessary tools are
available for everybody. I don't see this possible for UX at the moment.


Mathias Bauer - Application Framework Project Lead
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