> these were the required jar files suggested by netbeans: (i noticed
> you didnt mention  jut.jar in the comments of your code....)
> juh.jar
> jurt.jar
> jut.jar
> officebean.jar
> ridl.jar
> unoil.jar
Thank you for this list, will look into it!


Ad your environment: it seems that you have the OOo SDK (and NetBeans)
at your disposal. The successful run from a packaged jar-file is
interesting: if possible, could you supply the jar as well your
environment settings in the command line window in which you are able to
run the app successfully?

See, I would like to learn what is needed for an "out-of-the-box" Ubuntu
OOo installation to be employed to run Java apps from the command line.
(Here SDK/NetBeans/Eclipse setups can come into ones way as it is then
not always clear which environment is in effect under which circumstances.)



P.S.: Will be a week off (practically without e-mail or WWW access), so
I may be able to come back only in a week or so.

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