On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 13:25 +0100, Bernd Eilers wrote:

> So well as long as the spec is not finished and not using the template 
> it doesn´t appear correctly in the release notes interim document. But 
> this currently only affects the release notes for the first developer 
> milestone the feature appears in. If we do 3.) before an offical user 
> release everything will be fine for the release notes of that user 
> release. If we don´t do 3.) that feature might eventually be missing 
> from the release notes.

I just don't know what to do for the 2.4 release.  The complete feature
itself is re-targeted for 3.0, and the same wiki spec is being used for

> As you said the feature itself isn´t even finished so I suppose we can 
> also have just another issue-id for the rest of the work to be done and 
> integrated and a feature-announcement announcing the new features with 
> usable content on the specification URL used containing the complete 
> stuff (usable means document is using the Wiki template, of course) 
> laster. And that´s probably the best to do.

That's already been done.  A new issue has been created to carry out the
complete task.  The original issue number is being used for the partial
integration of that feature for 2.4.

> Note: I implied that a feature mail was already written and an issue was 
> already fixed and integrated with a ChildWorkspace from what I think is 
> the case here but that may be wrong.

Well, the originally intended goal of this feature is not yet met as of
today, which is why I'm still working on this.  But my understanding is
that, event parts of what has been done was good enough to be used, so
Niklas decided to integrate it, and I agreed with his decision.

But the spec being referred to in this thread is still going through
changes, so I personally much rather it not be used for the release note
just yet.  But if you need to absolutely use it for the 2.4 release,
feel free to add missing parts to satisfy your requirements.  I'm fine
with that.


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