
I'm truly sorry you take things in that way. It's not my intent to criticize you personally, I would never dare to do such a thing. Just realize that you cannot come out in public by suspecting Sun -or anybody else- to have ulterior motives without sound arguments, and it appears you don't have any, for the moment.

The problem is, you work for a corporation that is going quite against anything we're fighting for, and goes certainly in a sense that is contrary to what we're building. I'm becoming tired of stumbling upon legal agreements between MS, Novell and customers that validate every piece of FUD some have ever spoken about FOSS and Open Standards. I'm getting tired of reading in French newspapers that "thanks to Novell, OpenOffice.org is now a viable alternative to MS Office 97 (PC Expert a few months ago, interview of a Novell sales rep or manager)" "Questions about formats?OOXML just works with OpenOffice Novell Edition" "Novell is the second largest contributor to OpenOffice.org" Thank you, with this kind of contributor we don't need any competitor!

You will notice we don't really hear the same thing from Sun or anybody else. Heck, even IBM didn't do such a wrong to us in all the years they were refusing to contribute to OOo.

I understand you are not in charge of your employer's corporate strategy, that's quite natural. But please, have the decency to look at your shoes before posting such accusations; yours are dirtier than the ones of many others here.


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