Le 4 mars 08 à 15:23, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany a écrit :

Hi Hubert,

I don't know if you have noticed, but they are been several request from people to have OOo ported to embedded devices like Maemo and iPhone, for
which Java is likely to be an even bigger problem.

Come on. When we ever port OOo to one of those platforms, Java is one of
our smallest problem. For the concrete case, this means that any other
third-party library we could use will most probably also not run on
those platforms. So effectively, you say "don't use third-party libraries".

So without judging the concrete case, the argueing with possible future
ports to platforms without Java is simply not a valid point, IMO.

I am personnaly more interested by the aspect related to freedom (as in speech) on this question. Many of them have been sorted, but freedom is also "freedom to leave" and freedom not to rely on one specific platform, although java can of course be a compelling choice. So the question I have now can be summarized in one word: 'adherence' . Adherence to Java, maintenance, adherence to a VM, breadth of alternatives (not just for java), etc. I am putting myself in perspective of the ToolKit as well.
Any thoughts?


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