Hi Charles,

        As always it's entertaining talking with you.

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 16:02 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> Yes, it is one; I thought it was a community event. While technical  
> discussions are perennial to our project, I don't see the need for  
> segregating the community between hackers and non hackers;

        As I understand it this is a normal practice for organic communities:
eg. the Linux Kernel Summit[1] - has purely technical talks, or say the
Gnome Developers Summit[2], or perhaps aKademy (AFAIR originally billed
as a "developers conference"). There are of course a myriad of
hack-fests, and other highly technical conferences on many topics

        Are you suggesting that these are fundamentally evil ? that developers
meeting to talk, enjoy each others' company, work together and discuss
technical detail is bad ? it's not as if we are excluding anyone - just
warning ahead of time this will be technical, and our core constituency
is hackers. Clearly broader conferences have their place too.

>  every part of our community is legitimate

        Did I suggest it was not ?

> >     Honestly, I'm happy to talk politics[1] vigorously: will you
> > share an hour slot with me for a debate on the future of OpenOffice in
> > Beijing ?
> I will be more than happy to do so

        Great; I suggest the Parlimentary debating style[3] and a proposal of
the form:

         "Contribution to OpenOffice.org by entities with
          diverse motivations is a strength not a weakness"
                [ or you can cast it negatively if you wish ].

        I'm sure Sun, or someone can provide an impartial speaker to compare
it: I'm not sure how well it would go over to a predominantly non native
speaking audience, though with slides we might get somewhere: sounds

>  although debating with somebody from Microsoft could have probably
>  sped up things.

        Nice rhetoric, shame about the mismatch with reality; and what do you
want to speed up ? I was thinking of starting with "Why I believe
Open-Source/Free Software is the disruptive movement of our time" - I
suspect MS has a different view.

>  Of course, such a debate is possible provided I can get the funding
> to go there, and I realize that you and I, just like many other
> contributors, are facing this problem.

        Book early to save :-)

> See my first comment: provided that the community as a whole is  
> invited, it is a Regicon, yes.

        Honestly, substance concerns me far more than branding; do call it what
you will; all are welcome - the content will be ~exclusively technical.



[1] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Kernel_Developers_Summit
        + sadly invitation only, not my preferred approach.
[2] - http://live.gnome.org/BostonSummit
[3] - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_debate
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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