Le 10 mars 08 à 12:20, Michael Meeks a écrit :

Hi Charles,

        As always it's entertaining talking with you.

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 16:02 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
Yes, it is one; I thought it was a community event. While technical
discussions are perennial to our project, I don't see the need for
segregating the community between hackers and non hackers;

        As I understand it this is a normal practice for organic communities:
eg. the Linux Kernel Summit[1] - has purely technical talks, or say the Gnome Developers Summit[2], or perhaps aKademy (AFAIR originally billed
as a "developers conference"). There are of course a myriad of
hack-fests, and other highly technical conferences on many topics

Are you suggesting that these are fundamentally evil ? that developers
meeting to talk, enjoy each others' company, work together and discuss
technical detail is bad ? it's not as if we are excluding anyone - just warning ahead of time this will be technical, and our core constituency
is hackers. Clearly broader conferences have their place too.

I'm just suggesting to respect the way we work inside OOo, that's all.

every part of our community is legitimate

        Did I suggest it was not ?

        Honestly, I'm happy to talk politics[1] vigorously: will you
share an hour slot with me for a debate on the future of OpenOffice in
Beijing ?

I will be more than happy to do so

        Great; I suggest the Parlimentary debating style[3] and a proposal of
the form:

         "Contribution to OpenOffice.org by entities with
          diverse motivations is a strength not a weakness"
                [ or you can cast it negatively if you wish ].

        I'm sure Sun, or someone can provide an impartial speaker to compare
it: I'm not sure how well it would go over to a predominantly non native
speaking audience, though with slides we might get somewhere: sounds

Well, I suggest both of us work on this a bit later on with details, etc. We should have to fill out some call for papers proposal, etc. And that would happen in a few months, if I'm not misstaken. I am busy at the moment on OOXML; so is your employer but on the other side of the fence, as usual.


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