Hello Marcus,

thank you for your last message. I hope you can contribute to OpenOffice.org through broffice.org ; if you need more information, just let me know.


Le 7 mars 08 à 15:04, Marcus Silva a écrit :

Sorry Robert and every one.
I will not comment about GoOOoCon or any other action related to that.
No flameswar.

Robert Vojta escreveu:
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Marcus Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What do I think???
Novell is tring to break OOo apart. It was predictable.
-1 to Novell

This is what? Do you want to start some flamewar again? Or what? Just
to refresh your memory, dev@openoffice.org mailing list description:

This list provides a general entry point for developers; it is also
strongly urged that all developers subscribe to this list for
announcements, etc. If you are unsure which project fits your needs
best, ask for redirection here. But do not expect user discussions or
support. Rather, discussions are focused on the development of the

Do you like this event? Come, meet people and be happy. Don't you? Stay at home.

I don't like these stupid emails about nothing. Do you want to say
something like this to Michael / Novell? Say it, but off-list,
directly to Michael, Novell, in your blog, ...

Anyone else wants to start virtual fight against Sun, Novell, SCA,
JCA, LGPL, GPL, ... for whatever reason here? Me not, so, please, try
to resolve these things off-list. Thanks!

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