Hi Charles,

On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 19:39 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
> - it will be 'hackers' only

        Well, given the content of the talks and company, I'm
confident it will be much less interesting to non-hackers, so modulo
some really patient people coming, you're prolly right, is that a
problem ?

> - nobody will be able to speak politics (ah, those darned politics
> and, always pointing out awkward things about your employer!
> Why do they even exist?)

        Honestly, I'm happy to talk politics[1] vigorously: will you
share an hour slot with me for a debate on the future of OpenOffice in
Beijing ? However, I realise that other people are not; in particular
our friends among the Sun hackers. Indeed, at the last two ESC
meetings, it has been similarly forbidden to discuss so called
'politics', instead focusing on technical issues.

> which in essence means, that discussions will be managed

        Sure, self regulated - I agree it sucks at some level, but
don't believe for a moment it's for my benefit.

> - you seem to be ignoring the existence of "RegiCons", or regional
> conferences that work very well.

        Yep, was unaware of them; on the other hand I want to meet,
talk to and drink beer with hackers from all over the place: is that
what a RegiCon is ? if so, lets call it a RegiCon.

> In short, you advertise for a Novell event. Notice that I think a
> Novell event could be an interesting idea, but, as I wrote above,
> the way it is being pictured looks problematic to me.

        Problematic because it tramples on some existing RegiCon ? or
that it is primarily focused at developers[2] ? or because it's (as I
said) tacked onto the end of an existing Novell event, or becuase it's
organised by Novell ? or ... ?

        All the best,


[1] - eg. I'm still waiting for some a reply that appears to have been
collateral damage in an unrelated end-thread (though perhaps now moot
with the new SCA exemptions, only time will tell):

[2] - If the Native-Lang guys want to have their own
Native-Lang-contributors-only meetings whether virtual, or real I
have no problem with that; why different for developers ?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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