[ I can't resist to take the bait ]


Bernd Eilers wrote:
> It´s all already 'modularized' and there do exists already ongoing  

Not in the source. You even can't build the extensions without an OOo
build env yet. You can't build them against the SDK.

You can't build the URE separately and not build OOo against that URE.

What you  think is not always what the facts are.

> efforts to split up the installation files into packages which depend of  
> each other - been there done that! - so what? This is not something that  

Just that those packages you currently have suck great balls. And that when
you want to make it sane you get crashes because e.g. calc cannot find libdba.
(when you move libdba to -base and -base is not installed). So far for
a working component model.

> is such a great new idea that we would not already working on since a  
> long time.

With no visible effects.
And if stuff is visible it's broken (see the package split example above
and the usles coreXY). Do a real "core" and do sane packages-



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