Le 8 oct. 08 à 12:14, Andre Schnabel a écrit :


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Von: "Charles-H. Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can only second Kay's words.  We cannot stay on the users' desktop
the way we do today, as the state of the art is changing. This does
not mean that services such as Google Docs are the necessary answer; I
believe they serve a specific market and so do we. But the key to
OOo's future and relevancy lies in hybrid use cases. This involves an
online strategy combining wikis, online editing tools and so on.

Regarding the [EMAIL PROTECTED] project I'd say it is a nice idea. (Fully aware, about what "nice" means).

Regarding the OOo's future and relevant use cases - I disagree, that this lies in hybrid desktop / web use cases. Yes - we need to work on that, but this is not the key market to become relevant.

The key and relevant use case is integrated workflow with other busines applications (ERP, accounting, controling, project management, CRM ...).


PS.: I second the proposal for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to become an incubator project - but I have no voice on that ;)

You do, actually :) . I would not say that we disagree on what the future will look like; I'd rather put it that way: what you express is not a future concern, it is an immediate concern. The hybrid notion is a future concept :-)


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