Jens-Heiner Rechtien wrote:

I wouldn't call for a complete ban but it looks like one has to be extra
careful. Restructuring should be done in CWS which lives only a very
short time. Best, say, opened on one milestone and integrated in the
next (as first CWS) this would minimize the potential for data loss.
As first CWS? Wouldnt that doom any changes from other CWS on the moved files because the file is already deleted when they are itegrated. *Confused* I thought _last_ CWS would be the safest ...

Still data loss is possible even in this scenario, which IMHO is very scary.

I would feel much more comfortable, if a naked move wouldnt be possible. As an (ugly, very ugly) workaround for now, we might need a command in the cws tool that registers the moved files by their "old name" (the name it is known as on the master) somewhere. This could be either in a svn property (on trunk??) or in a "administrative file" somewhere. It should at least be noted, if changes to a file are wandering to /dev/null.

Have Fun, Björn

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