On 12/08/08 12:00, Jens-Heiner Rechtien wrote:
I wouldn't call for a complete ban but it looks like one has to be extra
careful. Restructuring should be done in CWS which lives only a very
short time. Best, say, opened on one milestone and integrated in the
next (as first CWS) this would minimize the potential for data loss.
Doing the restructuring in a big CWS which needs many month to complete
won't do it, I completely agree here.

Restricting restructuring this way simply does not work. For example, CWS sb102 simply *had* to move files (because different .cxx files in the same directory, controlled by the same makefile.mk turned out to need different CDEFS; of course, instead of cleaning up and splitting into two directories, I could have "improved" solenv/inc by introducing LIB1CDEFS, LIB2CDEFS, ...), and simply *had* to last longer than one milestone (simply because fixing issue 95065 so that it still works on Windows takes so much time).

We do need a solution for this problem. No excuses. At least something as good (erm, bad) as the CVS/CWS situation, where modifications to moved files at least produced warnings.


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