I was thinking it might be a good time to write a tool that really closes
this gap in the development process. Something simple, like run "deliver",
find out what files that it lists belong in the install directory, and copy
them there.

I thought ideally if someone could explain how the installer packages the
files in "solver\300\wntmsci12.pro" with the correct relative path maps then
this tool could just use that mapping to send them directly to the install

Alternately, a nice and quick but much hackier solution would be to just run
a script that would search for the filenames of the list retrieved from
"deliver" in the current install directory and replace the ones it finds.
Would obviously run into trouble with duplicate filenames etc but I guess if
just limits itself to the more significant file types like dll etc it would
also be better than nothing.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Robert Black

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