Mathias Bauer wrote:

> Perhaps it would help to agree on what we want to have in an ideal
> world. And then see what we can achieve now and in the forseeable
> future. At that point we can decide whether it makes sense to look on
> trees or if we already like the wood.
> I agree with Caolan and Thorsten Behrens: ideally we all could use the
> same build environment with the same conditions. The same conditions can
> be guaranteed on reference systems only, we never will be able to handle
> arbitrary builds, but IMHO this is not necessary. Having a reference
> build system available to everybody is enough. The build bots we are
> talking about should be these reference systems.

Sorry, it seems that I was unclear. First please understand that what I
have described is my view of the ideal world, but it's not an immediate
demand, not even a roadmap. To get a roadmap we of course must discuss
feasibility and resources before.

I wanted to opt for build bots that use our base line (the current or
future ones) and that the builds from these build bots should be our
reference. Builds made by these bots should never cause problems
anywhere, especially not in QA, if the QA is done using the "official"
tools of the community. I don't want to discuss whether such problems
exist to a large extent (IMHO that distracts from a solution), I just
wanted to express that *if* they existed solving them would not be a
duty of the developers providing the bot-made build. And fixing such
problems should get a high priority.

So hopefully the next paragraph is understood in the same context:

> If the Hamburg RE can't use the build bots for their builds, it's fair
> to charge them with keeping both systems in sync and make it a priority
> to keep that running, monitor the state and fix problems ASAP.

That should mean that *if* builds made in Hamburg created problems
though the base line is the same as that of the reference build bots, it
would be a problem of the Hamburg builds, not of the reference builds.
Again, this is my end goal, not an immediate request.

And to answer another question: not all build bots should be reference
build bots, we should still have others to compile on other


Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead Writer Engineering at Sun:
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