Thorsten Ziehm wrote:

> Hi Mathias,
> I do not see the need to bring the build bots near to the build
> environment here in Hamburg. The request for build bots was (as I know)
> to have builds in different environments to find build issues in these
> different environment. When these environment will be nearly the same,
> then we miss to find these build breakers.
No, you are mixing build bots and Tinderbox builds. But even if we used
Build Bots in that way, I don't see any reason for "either-or".

> Perhaps to use a build bots for CWS builds or for master builds here in
> Hamburg could be a solution. But my intension is to search for all
> requirements which are needed in build environment and want to find then
> a solution. And I do not want to nail down now, that we have to use
> build bots only on the request by QA community. Because I do not see
> this request is valid (see my earlier mail in this thread).

Well, I hope that you see at least the validness of the request to be
able to build OOo on all relevant platforms in a way that it can be
tested, in Hamburg or elsewhere, using the tools that the community is
able to access.

If you have a better idea to fulfill that requirement, fine. For now I
don't see any easier and more reliable way to do it. And IMHO this is an
urgent request, so we shouldn't postpone a solution for months until we
have discussed each and everything do the end.

> I talked with some people in RE and BuildEnv over the past weeks and
> I want to have a build environment which can be used for the next years.
> Perhaps it is possible to begin on a white paper to define new tooling,
> new processes etc. But this will take time. And I do not want to get
> now a solution which isn't handle by the RE resources currently. When
> I start this project I will invite you and others for brainstorming,
> but we should stop now saying this or that is the best solution for now.
> We need a stable solution for the next years, especially when we want
> or have to switch to a DSCM.
The question remains why we need to think about new tooling, processes
etc. if standardizing on a build environment would be enough. But of
course getting people involved never is a bad idea, so it's a good thing
to see something going on.

I hope that the outcome of that will be a simple and fast build process,
as the lack of that is still a major problem not only for "non Hamburg"
developers. Being able to build all "core" OOo components a developer is
interested in in e.g. less than one hour (dreaming is allowed, isn't
it?) would open a lot of opportunities to improve our work, especially
wrt. to speed, tranparacy, quality and cooperation. This will require a
switch to a DSCM (as speeding up the build doesn't help a lot if getting
the source still takes the same amount of time), but AFAIK this is on
the way anyway, so I take that for granted.


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