
Sorry, I missed the original message, but I'll try to answer to the original message, who is : http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg? listName=dev&msgNo=26295

First, I got the same issue, and I'm working on it too : OpenOffice.org can no longer be built on it, and the breakage occured between DEV300_m57 and OOO320_m12, but was very probably introduced in m58 or m59.

Some details about the background now :

Gdium foundation donated me a machine running a loongson processor. Since this machine is not powerfull, I prefered to port OOo4Kids on it, instead of OpenOffice.org. (but everything is similar in the build process, just more simple for OOo4Kids than OpenOffice.org).

What I know is the (obsolete) OOo4Kids based on DEV300_m57 ( before important changes for 3.2.0 ) builds, and works perfectly. Since OOo4Kids has been rebased with DEV300_m12, and the build is broken (only on Mips, curiously).

The first thing I found was a missing -fpic flag in the solenv/inc/ unxlngmips.mk, but I fear little other issues like that could cause the breakage. So, I can imagine the issue could be caused by some performance changes (good candidate, integration started around mDEV300_m58), probably applied "by default" to all Linux or something like that (just a wild guess). Investigating.

Of course, anybody is welcome to help us, and any information will help too :-)

Thanks in advance,
Eric Bachard


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