
Regarding my candidature as the code contributor representative for the
Community Council elections I'll write a few words about me. First my standard
short bio for those who don't know that already:


Born and living in Hamburg, Germany.

Started working with computers in 1986, developed software for computer-aided
production data acquisition.

Joined StarDivision in 1993, and the StarCalc spreadsheet application's team in

Working on the spreadsheet core engine, formula compiler and interpreter.

Since the year 2000 also deeply involved with the OpenOffice.org
internationalization (i18n) framework, partly arisen from the various needs of
the number parser/formatter used in Calc and other OOo applications,
coordinating the related work.

Co-Lead of the OpenOffice.org Calc spreadsheet application project.
Co-Lead of the localization (l10n) project for the i18n framework.

Since 2006 a member of the OASIS OpenDocument Format (ODF) committee, working
on the formula specification (ODFF aka OpenFormula).

Since 2008 a liaison member of the Unicode Consortium, representing

Working full time on OpenOffice.org, employed by Sun Microsystems.


Well, yes, soon Oracle once the legal entity combination will be completed in

So, to answer Christoph's questions:

>       * What is your idea by the work/tasks of the council?

My idea is clearly influenced by http://council.openoffice.org/#council and
http://council.openoffice.org/councilcharter12.html ;-)

I don't know to say much else because those pages exactly describe what the
work of the CC is and what it is not. I could only summarize it as "represent
the project and the community and provide guidance".

>       * Do you have any special areas of interest/ideas?

As a code contributor I of course want to improve the code base of OOo. Other
than maybe recommending development in certain areas, which is one of the CC's
tasks, to attract developers I regard the planned OOo Internship and a bounty
program as important. The existing bounty program is not attractive enough,
almost unused, badly maintained, not prominent and not adequately advertised.
We certainly could do better.

>       * Is there enough spare time for the work in the council?

There's never enough spare time, no matter for what ;-)  Seriously, I hope my
employer will set aside a few work hours a month, but I'm also willing to spend
some of my spare time.

Did this answer your questions sufficiently?


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
 SunSign   0x87F8D412 : 2F58 5236 DB02 F335 8304  7D6C 65C9 F9B5 87F8 D412
 OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
 Please don't send personal mail to the e...@sun.com account, which I use for
 mailing lists only and don't read from outside Sun. Use er...@sun.com Thanks.

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