I'm currently driving home in a snow storm. I will help when I get home. Can
you post the shapefiles somewhere?
On Dec 3, 2010 3:50 PM, "Juan Pizarro" <jpiza...@doingit.cl> wrote:
> Hello OSM Developers,
> I'm Juan pizarro from Chile. We are trying to import [1] to osm in the
> list talk-co.
> We have troubles to do it correctly, for example with [2] doesn't work
> with ways wich contain more than 2000 nodes. Does exist tools for split
> in smaller ways ?.
> We would be very grateful if you could help us in this important task.
> [1] http://ivan.sanchezortega.es/ADM_Municipios.osm.bz2
> [2]
> http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/import/bulk_upload_06/
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