On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 7:57 PM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Mike Dupont wrote:
>> I have updated my output as described in my lastest email.
>> I have a c++ tool to manage the merging of borders, will get that working
>> in the next days.
>> lets get these things imported.
> The number of duplicate nodes in Colombia has risen rapidly in the last few
> days. I haven checked who exactly is importing what but it is clear that
> we're seeing an import problem here:
> http://matt.dev.openstreetmap.org/dupe_nodes/?zoom=7&lat=4.08226&lon=-72.01253&layers=BT
> Please stop that and get your tools in order before you continue. I don't
> want to sound harsh but a humanitarian crisis is not an excuse for dumping
> rubbish into OSM. If whoever is importing something doesn't know how to
> avoid duplicate nodes, leave it be and seek help from those who do.

Hi Fred, thanks for the tips,
please give us a few days to check this, there is only so much we can
do with the small computers and bandwidth. If two people are working
on two areas next to each other, we can afford to have a duplicate way
between them until we can resolve that when both uploads are finished.
I dont think it is that bad.

I am removing all duplicates, and if they stay there for more than a
week you can yell at me.

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