Hi Gurkan,

very good question ;)

We actually debated more places - think half of the discussion was on IRC
but there was a thread there as well.

Let me try to summurize it.

First of all a quick reminder: meecrowave is first OWB+Tomcat+CXF (before
being microprofile which is just a buzz word today and doesn't mean more
than this). Said otherwise it is the core of any potential server today in
a smooth fashion (embeddable, presetup etc).

Then in term of where to do it:

- incubator: community will be OWB and/or Tomcat and/or CXF -> no point to
create a new project with the same community (we kind of get this as an
issue for several EE sub projects so we tried to avoid it)
- Tomcat: not their philosophy and goal to do more than tomcat scope
(JAX-RS and CDI are clearly out of their bounds)
- CXF: would be a good place but CDI stays core of meecrowave and not their
central knowledge yet
- TomEE: no real force there and TomEE has a few big pitfalls like being
associated with a full blown server which make most of its subprojects
eliminated before being evaluated even if not accurate
- OWB: Tomcat/OWB integration is a real plus for OWB, CXF is likely a "?"
but the CXF part is not that much in meecrowave, most of the code is
Tomcat/OWB integration and config

We had the first discusiion on http://markmail.org/thread/vh6x3u7yt6ex2fp2

Romain Manni-Bucau
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2017-01-09 9:11 GMT+01:00 Gurkan Erdogdu <gurkanerdo...@yahoo.com.invalid>:

> Hi all
> First of all happy new year!
> As I am a founder and keen observer of the project (hope to commit much
> more time this year), I would like to ask a question regarding the new
> subproject Meecrowave. Why would we create such a sub-project under
> OpenWebBeans? From my perspective, OpenWebBeans only aim is to implement
> CDI specifications. If we would like to create a such a microprofile
> server, we may have to first write an incubator project proposal,
> http://incubator.apache.org/
> Moreover, I think that this subproject must be under developed in Apache
> TomEE, not in OpenWebBeans.
> Do we have any discussion about this topic in the dev or private list that
> I did not catch?
> Regards.
> Gurkan-

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