Hi to all,

> Yeah, writing a L&F is not a trivial task. But it is doable, and may be 
> worthwhile if it helps attract new developers.
with the architecture of Pivot an additional skin for this could be a
good solution.
A crazy idea: and try to use existing Swing components with Pivot
wrappers (Scala Swing seems to do something like this ... Ok, complex
but powerful, and with the benefit to have the original L&F) ...
Comments ?

> My primary goal in improving Swing support is to give developers another 
> reason to consider Pivot over JavaFX, which apparently doesn't provide any 
> migration path from Swing. Swing developers constitute a large percentage of 
> Pivot's target audience, so making it easier for them to switch to Pivot 
> seems like a good idea.
my fear is to try to implement something that will be complex to
mantain (L&F fidelity with Swing) and that could not port too much
users to Pivot ... but here none has the answer ...
Probably Pivot is more interesting than JavaFX for Java/Swing users
requiring not-so-graphics-stuff in their application, so why not try ?

And to finish only few small things:
- to solve font problems as seen by Noel, what do you think on adding
to the Skin json definition file (containing skin colors and other
settings) also a list of alternate fonts/dimensions to use (and maybe
also a way to specify "use native font and dimension") ? I'm already
working on this for other features for the 2.0.
- to improve a Swing-like L&F, what do you think on a new Terra's
theme json configuration file containing Swing colors (and fonts, etc)
? Simple to do and could give a similar appearance ... and also this
for the 2.0.


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