Martin Ritchie wrote:
Just keeping this thread going here is another summary of the
suggested slogans I added one more at the end, which is a combination
of two previous ones really. Tried to capture the 'love' angle for
Rob, highlighting the fact that you could never really fall in love
with messaging before AMQP.

Apache Qpid, AMQP Enterprise Messaging
Apache Qpid: Fast, Reliable, AMQP Messaging
Apache Qpid: Advanced Messaging, Quick, Purposeful
Apache Qpid, AMQP Enterprise Messaging that just works.
Apache Qpid, Enterprise Messaging through AMQP
Apache Qpid, AMQP Enterprise Messaging

My 2 cents: I think the term 'Enterprise' is often overused and consequently has negative associations for some. I'd prefer leaving that word out of any slogan. I also think it should either be demonstrably true or bland enough to not be testable. ('Open Source AMQP Messaging' would be my favourite of those I've seen - bland but clear and to the point!)

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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