Carl Trieloff wrote:

The old 0-10 version that is pure .NET (0.5) or the updated version that Cliff has been working extensively on (coming in 0.6 from trunk)?

Sorry if this is confusing, we should deprecate the old one from the source tree...

I'm not sure the stuff Cliff is working on (useful as it is) is actually a substitute for the old .NET client(s). I took a brief look at the WCF stuff as I was curious about it, and from what I could glean from the readme and the examples, it seemed more like an RPC mechanism than a messaging API. It also looked like the implementation was windows only.

I do think that nothing we have under dotnet or wcf currently qualifies as production ready or supported relative to our other clients, and we should make this clear somehow, but I don't think it would be correct to deprecate the old one in favor of the new one unless I'm missing something about the new one.


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