Robert Greig wrote:
2009/11/30 Rafael Schloming <>:

I'm not sure the stuff Cliff is working on (useful as it is) is actually a
substitute for the old .NET client(s). I took a brief look at the WCF stuff
as I was curious about it, and from what I could glean from the readme and
the examples, it seemed more like an RPC mechanism than a messaging API. It
also looked like the implementation was windows only. mean "services" :-)

What I meant specifically was that you don't seem to have direct control over creating, sending, receiving, or acknowledging messages. These would seem to be something the framework does for you based off of a combination of metadata and application-specific interfaces.

It is certainly true that WCF is geared around building services and
clients for those services, with abstractions to allow a great deal of
flexibility (e.g. transport). For example, IBM have produced a WCF
channel for MQ and it is heavily geared towards SOAP over JMS.

Having said that, I did take a look at this question ("could WCF be a
generic messaging API") for other reasons related to my day job a
while ago and concluded that it could be. You would simply have to
define some very simple contracts (e.g. with a single method
"StandardOneWay(Message m) and you would perhaps also need some
AMQP-specific behaviours (a WCF term) to give complete flexibility.

I can see how you might be able to accomplish some of the same sorts of things as a messaging API in this way, however I'm somewhat skeptical that the result would be equivalent to a complete messaging API, or that we'd end up with something that would appeal to our users.

Even if it would work, this approach seems somewhat inside out. Why not have a dotnet messaging API and build out a WCF transport on top of that rather than having a private messaging API that is internal to the WCF messaging implementation which is then reexposed via special service contracts.


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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