> As there have been no comments or questions on the discussion thread, I'm
> going to move this to a vote:
> Qualities we look for:
>  - A candidate must demonstrate an understanding of how our project
>    is structured and how we work.
>  - A candidate must communicate openly about work planned/in-progress.
>  - A candidate must demonstrate expertise in a significant area of
>    the existing code base.
>  - A candidate must demonstrate an extended commitment to the
>    project.
> Tests for these qualities:
>  - contacting the right team members to discuss changes
>  - actively soliciting feedback for significant changes or new
>    development
>  - multiple independent contributions over a period of several months
>  - sponsorship by someone who has worked directly with the candidate
>    reviewing and committing patches
>  - detailed positive feedback from those who have worked directly
>    with the candidate
>  - a record of patches that maintain or improve the quality of the
>    code without the need for feedback or rework
> Please cast your vote below:
> [ ] Adopt the above statements as our official committership criteria.

[+1] Adopt the above statements as our official committership criteria.

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