At Tue, 31 Jul 2012 07:42:53 -0600,
Matthew Flatt wrote:
> At Mon, 30 Jul 2012 19:45:07 -0400, Vincent St-Amour wrote:
> > At Mon, 30 Jul 2012 14:52:06 -0600,
> > Matthew Flatt wrote:
> > > If we really want to have two names for these things --- the
> > > compatibility name and the "compatibility" name --- then I think we
> > > should at least consolidate to a single compatibility manual by moving
> > > the documentation for `racket/mpair' and `racket/package' to the
> > > compatibility manual.
> > 
> > To make sure I understand correctly, you're suggesting that:
> > 
> > - We keep the `compatibility' collect.
> > - We keep `compatibility/defmacro'.
> > - We remove `compatibility/mpair' and `compatibility/package', and move
> >   them back to `racket/mpair' and `racket/package', respectively.
> > - We leave the reference and the compatibility manual as is, with docs
> >   for `racket/mpair' and `racket/package' in the compatibility manual.
> > 
> > If that's what you're suggesting, I'll implement it.
> I'm sorry that I've been so unclear!
> To start afresh, here are two suggestions, which are mutually
> exclusive. The first is my preference:
>  1. Revert the addition of `compatibility/package' and
>     `compatibility/mpair', including the documentation changes (but
>     maybe add back some text to discourage misuse of these libraries).
>  2. Leave things as they are, but move the sections that document
>     `racket/package' and `racket/mpair' out of the Reference and into
>     the same "Compatibility" document that describes
>     `compatibility/package' and `compatibility/mpair'.

I'll go with the second one. I think it makes it clearer that these
features are not Rackety.

Thanks for clarifying!

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