Oops, sorry, the LiteDeviceResolver is Spring Mobile not jquery!

Cheers Greg

On 2 September 2014 01:49, Glen Mazza <glen.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Team, I noticed today with Roller 5.1 the blogs are not rendering on
> smartphones (at least mine, I have a Windows 8 smartphone that uses IE as
> its browser) except for the combo basic-mobile theme, the only one that
> provides explicit "mobile" rendition types.  For the others, Roller just
> returns a blank screen or a 404 or similar error page.  To test, for my
> website I created 5 empty blogs, one for each theme we offer:
> https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/frontpage/
> https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/gaurav/
> https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/testdual/   (basic-mobile).
> https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/frontpage/
> https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/fauxcoly/
> What I would like to have Roller do -- and I had incorrectly assumed was
> already being done -- was for Roller to fall back to the "standard"
> rendition type when the "mobile" rendition was not available, correct
> anyway if you're using a responsive theme. Searching through the code I
> think the only change I need to do is in class RollerVelocity[1], for those
> getTemplate() methods that take a deviceType parameter, to attempt to get
> the standard rendition type as a fallback if the mobile deviceType was
> requested and is not available.  I'll test it.  Until a Roller 5.1.1 is
> out, users should be able to duplicate renditions in their theme.xml,
> defining the standard one as also the mobile one.
> Couple of other concerns, in our MobileDeviceRepository class, our device
> listing[2] used as a backup to determine if mobile is necessary may be
> out-of-date, I think I can Google something more recent.  Also, just to
> confirm, line #88 of that same file, checks the user agent "deviceType"
> parameter for "standard" or "mobile" to determine the type, but that
> parameter is not normally sent by a browser, correct?
> Regards,
> Glen
> [1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/roller/trunk/app/src/main/
> java/org/apache/roller/weblogger/ui/rendering/
> velocity/RollerVelocity.java?revision=1583506&view=markup#l96
> [2] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/roller/trunk/app/src/main/
> java/org/apache/roller/weblogger/ui/rendering/mobile/
> MobileDeviceRepository.java?revision=1611764&view=markup#l34

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