I'm not comfortable with this change at the present, I think it is too soon for us to move to three device support (now including tablets) and not a good allocation of resources, at a time that multiple device checking is nicely going out the window due to responsive themes and usage of media queries. What we presently have, i.e., check for "Mobile" in the UA string, then check a device listing, and then fallback to standard theme if mobile unavailable will work for the vast majority of blogs today. And such simplicity saves us time, allowing us to add more important features that grab more bloggers than we'd lose by not separately supporting tablets. Three-device support is going to require code changes throughout the system to support, it's not just bringing in these few classes.

I was hoping we could just update our list of devices we presently have and just go with that--update one file alone. (Where did that original source come from?) There are many sources for this information, even JQuery will probably work because it's MIT-licensed. Let's consider whether we need three-device support later, once we get user demand for it (and your solution looks fine for it), but I'd rather we not be maintaining something that our present user base isn't asking for.


On 09/03/2014 03:14 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
Checking the spring-mobile license it uses

So it looks ok to use, I will add a version which uses
DeviceResolverRequestFilter and LiteDeviceResolver to determine the browser
type (also its easily maintained by spring! ;) ) and which we can easily
switch to.

I have added the code Committed revision 1622172.  If it is OK I will
update roller accordingly.

Cheers Greg

On 2 September 2014 10:57, Glen Mazza<glen.ma...@gmail.com>  wrote:

No, we still support multiple renditions (i.e., basic-mobile) to be
defined if that's what the blogger wants, for single-rendition the blogger
can use either a responsive theme or even a non-responsive one (my
smartphone just shrinks the image if it's non responsive, I can enlarge it
and view chunks of the blog page.)

The older code, if there was just the standard rendition defined, would
make a copy of it and make the copy the mobile rendition, requiring the
theme user to have to maintain two sets of templates even if they were
desired to stay identical (e.g., a responsive theme).  When I took that out
-- no copies unless two renditions are defined in the theme.xml -- I
apparently didn't get the code right for the standard theme to be the
default one.  I'll get it fixed.

As for the "browser user agent", I'm not sure if that "deviceType"
parameter is something that a Roller page creates once in a browser or
something all browsers supply regardless of the website that they are on,
Googling isn't bringing up much on that parameter so I'm assuming the
former.  I'm pretty much new to this particular topic.


On 09/02/2014 02:45 AM, Greg Huber wrote:

If there is no "mobile" on the theme.xml for the theme it used to show the
default, so maybe something has changed.

The browser user agent is used to determine if its a mobile device.  What
do is to use the jquery mobile logic i.e. LiteDeviceResolver, I can update
roller but am not sure on the licensing etc on copying jquery code.  As
mentioned previously the preferred method now would be to use a responsive
design, rather than a separate theme, so this is kind of parked?

Cheers Greg

On 2 September 2014 01:49, Glen Mazza<glen.ma...@gmail.com>  wrote:

  Hi Team, I noticed today with Roller 5.1 the blogs are not rendering on
smartphones (at least mine, I have a Windows 8 smartphone that uses IE as
its browser) except for the combo basic-mobile theme, the only one that
provides explicit "mobile" rendition types.  For the others, Roller just
returns a blank screen or a 404 or similar error page.  To test, for my
website I created 5 empty blogs, one for each theme we offer:

https://web-gmazza.rhcloud.com/testdual/    (basic-mobile).

What I would like to have Roller do -- and I had incorrectly assumed was
already being done -- was for Roller to fall back to the "standard"
rendition type when the "mobile" rendition was not available, correct
anyway if you're using a responsive theme. Searching through the code I
think the only change I need to do is in class RollerVelocity[1], for
getTemplate() methods that take a deviceType parameter, to attempt to get
the standard rendition type as a fallback if the mobile deviceType was
requested and is not available.  I'll test it.  Until a Roller 5.1.1 is
out, users should be able to duplicate renditions in their theme.xml,
defining the standard one as also the mobile one.

Couple of other concerns, in our MobileDeviceRepository class, our device
listing[2] used as a backup to determine if mobile is necessary may be
out-of-date, I think I can Google something more recent.  Also, just to
confirm, line #88 of that same file, checks the user agent "deviceType"
parameter for "standard" or "mobile" to determine the type, but that
parameter is not normally sent by a browser, correct?



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