Modifying the query to remove the join, I guess would be the way to go for
a single user install.

...Personally I always tend to add immutable foreign keys to files as I do
not like doing queries for users.  But then I prefer composite keys (no
joins with id's) which I guess is another matter all together! :)

Cheers Greg

On 4 March 2015 at 14:06, Glen Mazza <> wrote:

> We presently have indexes on the entryid in roller_comment (line 236) and
> on website_id in weblogentry (line 174):
> roller/trunk/app/src/main/resources/sql/createdb.vm?
> revision=1625869&view=markup. It wouldn't be a disaster, but I'm inclined
> against denormalization (duplicating website ids in the roller_comment
> table) as I believe a relational model is a strong selling point for
> Roller, it's better to let heavy users do what tweaking--whatever indexes
> or database changes--they need to do to support their custom needs.
> Since Matt's blog is the only blog on his instance, he can also do some of
> the same comment management on the global comment management screen, which
> doesn't have that join.  Actually, it would be good for him to do that just
> to see if the problem goes away there (i.e., it's a database join issue),
> or if it doesn't then it might be a memory problem unrelated to the join.
> The indexes could also possibly be hurting him because there's only one
> website id for his blog server and it's inefficient to go to indexes
> instead of the tables directly when every record they would find would be
> fitting anyway.
> Matt can also remove the join from the .orm.xml file, do an mvn clean
> install to get a custom build and then deploy that.  His blog comment
> management page would list all comments, but that wouldn't matter as he
> just has one blog.  I think Matt had earlier stated he has a non-standard
> Roller installation that doesn't lend itself to an automatic upgrade so
> some hacking on his part is probably going to be needed anyway if he wishes
> to upgrade.
> Glen
> On 03/03/2015 03:29 AM, Greg Huber wrote:
>> SELECT c FROM WeblogEntryComment c  WHERE = ?1 ORDER
>> BY c.postTime DESC
>> Could experiment with some indexes..... or add websiteid to the
>> roller_comment so it does not have to do the join with weblogEntry to get
>> the website parameter #1.  The websiteid does not change.
>> On 2 March 2015 at 19:29, Matt Raible <> wrote:
>>  Is it possible to optimize the query that loads the comments in the Admin
>>> UI? When I click on the "comments" section (in the Admin UI), it takes a
>>> really long time to load and I sometimes see the following error. The
>>> sysadmin at my ISP ( said this SQL takes a long time to
>>> run
>>> and is sometimes killed by the server.
>>> klyVnBGNm9jd3p4R0gw/view?usp=sharing
>>> My blog has 3193 entries and 13,799 comments (since 2002).
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matt
>>> On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 6:04 PM, Kohei Nozaki <>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Sorry I just found a problem to my patch which accepted in
>>>> . could you take a look
>>> at
>>>> my new patch ROL-2063_update1.patch and comment in that JIRA?
>>>> ROL-2063_update1.patch
>>>> On Mar 2, 2015, at 4:56, Dave <> wrote:
>>>>  Hi Roller fans,
>>>>> I would like to propose that we release Roller 5.1.2 based on the code
>>>> at
>>>> Subversion tag roller_5.1.2-rc1. You can download the source release,
>>>>> convenience binaries and signatures for the release here:
>>>>> The release contains a variety of mostly minor fixes which you can find
>>>>> listed here:
>>> 3D%20ROL%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%205.1.2%20AND%20updated%
>>> 20%3E%3D%20-20w%20ORDER%20BY%20updated%20DESC
>>>> Please vote within the next 72 hours.
>>>>> I'm voting  +1
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dave

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