Wow. I don’t think I ever noticed the tutorial for FlexUnit on the Flex site: 

Who put that together? Looks like a lot of work went into that.


> On Nov 4, 2017, at 6:59 PM, Harbs <> wrote:
> By “Unit Tests”, I really meant tests which are UI agnostic. I’m not 
> concerned by size of “Unit” tests, I’m more concerned about feature coverage. 
> When I think of unit tests in this context I mean FlexUnit-type tests. The 
> problem with FlexUnit, is that it only tests in Flash. Josh’s work solves 
> that problem. Ideally, we’d have tests which are run on both platforms. I 
> think We can use FlexUnit on Flash and Josh’s implementation to run the exact 
> same tests in node.
> To me, it’s easier to tackle this problem if we first get “unit” tests 
> working that are platform independent.
> Once that’s working, we can figure out how much the Unit-type tests can be 
> extended to test UI features and/or Mustella can be used. Mustella is a big 
> mystery to me.
> Whatever the strategy, the tests need to be easy to write. Maybe it already 
> is easy to write mustella tests, but we need more documentation. I don’t know.
> Either way, I will try to add Josh’s code and write some tests and see how it 
> goes.
> Harbs
>> On Nov 3, 2017, at 6:26 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
>> I was unable to tell what it is Josh has from that link.
>> Right now, we have 3 test subsystems:
>> 1) Java-based tests using Selenium that Chris Dutz wrote
>> 2) FlexUnit tests (written in AS3) that only work in Flash (in the Basic
>> project)
>> 3) Mustella tests that are written in MXML that run on both Flash and in
>> the browser using Selenium.
>> This thread is titled "Unit Tests"  Do we have agreement on what the size
>> of the unit is?
>> Is there any advantage to trying to get FlexUnit to work without Flash?
>> For example, would folks migrating have old FlexUnit tests they want to
>> run?
>> I agree with Piotr that it would be better if tests didn't have to be
>> written in Java.  Using a declarative language like MXML makes you more
>> output-language agnostic.  Mustella works by having each Mustella command
>> implemented in Java for Selenium.  It constrains what your test can do to
>> things we know we can do on all platforms, and is agnostic about when the
>> next command run, which is helpful when there are differences in the way
>> the runtimes execute code and make results available.  I'd have to dig
>> into it again, but I think there are some issues in failure reporting in
>> Selenium of Selenium thinks there is only one test step which is Java code
>> that shoved a pile of JS into the browser to be executed.
>> It would be nice if we can leverage what we have instead of building a
>> whole new test system, but maybe Josh has something that is closer to what
>> we are looking for.
>> My 2 cents,
>> -Alex
>> On 11/3/17, 8:37 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:
>>> Please feel free to use my test runner. I'm happy to commit it somewhere
>>> to make it official Apache code, if necessary.
>>> - Josh
>>> On 2017-11-03 04:19, Harbs <> wrote:
>>>> One topic which keeps coming up is better test coverage for Royale.
>>>> I think this is becoming a critical issue for a few reasons:
>>>> 1. As we get close to version 1.0 it’s necessary to have good test
>>>> coverage for confidence of quality and confidence that we don’t
>>>> introduce recessive bugs.
>>>> 2. It’s really hard to accept Github pull requests without examining
>>>> the code VERY well that it does not introduce recessive bugs. CI which
>>>> runs automated tests could give a preliminary test on pull requests to
>>>> ensure that they don’t break anything. If the pull requests do break
>>>> something, it allows the requester to fix the problem with confidence
>>>> without taking others’ time.
>>>> I think we need to break up testing into pieces and figure out a
>>>> strategy to implement automated tests in a way that they are
>>>> maintainable.
>>>> Some points:
>>>> 1. I think integration into something like Travis would be very helpful.
>>>> 2. I think there’s a Jenkins plugin for building pull requests. Not
>>>> sure how useful it is.[1]
>>>> 3. Josh has created a Node.js-compatible test-runner architecture which
>>>> could be useful for unit tests on parts of the framework which don’t
>>>> rely on browser features. (i.e. models and the like) He mentioned the
>>>> possibility of donating it, and I think that would be a very useful
>>>> feature.
>>>> 4. For UI and integration tests, there seem to be some pretty cool
>>>> integrations using Selenium.[2][3]
>>>> 5. I think the main testing effort needs to be using JS and something
>>>> like Josh’s testing framework for non-UI pieces and some easy-to-use
>>>> Selenium integration for visual pieces and integration tests.
>>>> 6. We probably also want some API endpoints we can test off of for
>>>> integration testing.
>>>> I’m willing to invest time into this.
>>>> It’s going to be a lot of work building out the tests and I think we
>>>> need a plan for that. My thoughts:
>>>> 1. Step one is to make it easy to write meaningful automated tests and
>>>> establish a clear pattern.
>>>> 2. Step two is to start writing tests starting from the
>>>> most-used/easiest to beak pieces and work out from there.
>>>> 3. Once the pattern is established, any new pieces MUST have testing
>>>> coverage.
>>>> 4. When fixing bugs, attention should be paid to adding testing for
>>>> that component.
>>>> 5. When a pull request comes in on a piece which does not have unit
>>>> test, a test must be written before accepting the pull request. The test
>>>> does not need to be written by the requester. Before examining the
>>>> request, the test should be written to pass for expected behavior and
>>>> fail for the bug that the pull request is attempting to fix (assuming
>>>> the pull request is to fix a bug).
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Harbs
>>>> P.S. I’m thinking of coming to the US in late December/early January.
>>>> I would be interested in getting together for a hacking session with
>>>> folks who are available.
>>>> [1]
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>>>> eDEGi6nXYkM8P0%2Bbibe4NA4%3D&reserved=0
>>>> <
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>>>> EGi6nXYkM8P0%2Bbibe4NA4%3D&reserved=0>
>>>> [2]
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>>>> 7C636453202314829220&sdata=9D9riTJ29rqNonT81v%2FRtdpC6J8titW7LIUb07LLXa4%
>>>> 3D&reserved=0 
>>>> <
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>>>> 636453202314829220&sdata=9D9riTJ29rqNonT81v%2FRtdpC6J8titW7LIUb07LLXa4%3D
>>>> &reserved=0>
>>>> [3]
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>>>> 220&sdata=WNzEofopPA6YaHS51O%2BCx6Zrsc2qLOFcSWMUUXssD3M%3D&reserved=0
>>>> <
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>>>> 0&sdata=WNzEofopPA6YaHS51O%2BCx6Zrsc2qLOFcSWMUUXssD3M%3D&reserved=0>

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