I’m taking out two snippets from what you write that I think might help bring 
us closer:
> Right, that should go to Foundation, not Basic

What is the difference between “Foundation” and “Basic” other than name? We 
already have “Foundation”, but we call it “Basic”.

If I’m understanding you correctly, the only difference between them is 
defaults.css and basic.css in themes. Other than that *everything* in Basic 
could be considered “Foundation”. Even top level components in Basic could be 
considered “Foundation” because they are designed to be bare-bones. Any 
components that don’t fit that description in Basic need to be fixed.

Why are we making such a big deal over two css files? Right now, they are 
causing inflated application sizes. But we’ve determined that to be a bug In 
Basic. We need to fix the bug regardless. As long as they don’t cause the 
application size to increase (and I’m proposing they shouldn’t), why do we 
care? I don’t think we care that much whether we call it “Basic” or 
“Foundation”. Right?

>> I think we have a disconnect here.
>> Let’s take UIBase for example. UIBase has a lot of opinions on how things
>> should be implemented. It gets its children from HTML nodes. It assumes
>> that layout parents are not necessarily the immediate ones. It makes
>> assumptions on what events need to be dispatched. etc. I don’t think that
>> UIBase and friends belong in Core. In fact not every IUIBase even currently
>> in the app are UIBase subclasses. IUIBase belongs in Core because it
>> defines the function of a IUIBase. UIBase does not because it makes
>> implementation assumptions.
> Here you and Alex think differently. I put UIBase in Core since was what
> Alex suggested. Finaly I think we all think almost the same, but is
> impossible to agree in 100% of things.

Maybe, maybe not. I don’t remember Alex suggesting this, but I could have 
missed it. I don’t think there is any absolute right and wrong here, but we 
*do* need definitions we can all agree on. If UIBase (for example) should go in 
Core, then we need a definition that we can agree on and document which fits 
that and makes it clear exactly what should and what shouldn’t go in Core.

> What we need to do is to move forward and continue build. We need to think
> about what is important for each one so we can get the best of us (not
> 100%). I for example was more for Core - Jewel, then you proposed
> Foundation (not me, it was you, remember? I only put a name that seems
> appropriate to me), so for me is ok.

I was actually proposing something slightly different. I was proposing pulling 
the top level components of Basic (or CSS) into a separate library. I was only 
proposing that if we can’t fix the CSS issues which I think we can.

> What I'll never be in agreement is in having CSS that is processing bead
> linking as a mandatory dependency for all the technical reasons exposed

I completely agree with you on this. I thought that was clear from the CSS 

> I think that is not in opposite of the rest of things you want, only for
> one of them, make all UI sets extend Basic classes, but I have a design
> rule in Jewel that is not extend Basic classes, so how we deal with that?

Basic classes, or Basic Top Level Components? I don’t see any reason why you 
should be avoiding anything other than TLCs which are specified in CSS and has 
different typeNames than Jewel ones.

> Should I continue as Piotr proposed in a fork and abandone Royale as others
> did? Or can we go forward and take the best of what all think?

Definitely work this through. :-) I think we can come to an agreement. I think 
we’re not so far apart.


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