> On May 29, 2018, at 5:34 PM, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi
> 2018-05-29 16:00 GMT+02:00 Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>>:
>> 1. How do we define what is “Core"?
> *Core*: This classes are needed to build a Royale
> Application. All pieces here are required. No CSS is present here
> to wire any concrete relationship between pieces, as well avoiding
> possible inclussions of CSS rules and/or bugs in a final App.

OK. I define Core a bit differently. Core defines the *architecture* or 
“scaffolding” of a Royale application. I don’t believe a Royale application can 
be compiled from Core alone.

Core is assumed to be a prerequisite for almost all other Royale libs (except 
Testing and Language). It should not have dependencies on other libraries or 
particular implementation details.

>> 2. Should package names match the project names?
> Normaly this is true always. Don't recall libraries with mixed package
> names.
> Some exceptions: Network has "net", but this is normal for less verbosity.

I’m not sure about this. I think It might be beneficial to discuss particulars 
to weigh the pros and cons on this. I don’t know where stand myself.

>> 3. Do we care to try and make package names shorter (i..e limit the level
>> of folders)?
> Yes, if we can, but in the case os beads, since we'll be using mostly on
> mxml, we put shorter class name over package levels. Even on AS3 in this
> case is better a longer import than multiple longer class names use.

I think I agree with this.

>> 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making Basic a dependency
>> for other component sets?
> I think this is mostly explained here, and a image use to be better than
> thousand words, but the image mix graphs and explanations:
> https://snag.gy/DbH4iG.jpg <https://snag.gy/DbH4iG.jpg>

Here is what the dependencies are currently:

I don’t understand the point of changing the dependencies around.

To me the advantages of making Basic a dependency is:

1. A clearer (to me), flatter dependency tree.
2. A “base” component set to use (or partially use) for composition.
3. A logical place to put shared beads.

What is gained by removing that dependency?

>> 5. A question which might follow the ones above are whether we should add
>> a new package. I’d rather wait to discuss this until we have some clarity
>> on the ones above.
> mmm...you mean to say "package" or new "library" (maybe you refer to
> "Foundation" here)

Yes. Or something else.


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