Hi Carlos,

>So for me is something to market with the rest of Royale (strand, beads,
>jewel,...) that we decided together to separate from the marketing of Flex.

It’s true we wanted a separated identity, but as I recall we always had In mind 
to engage the Flex user base. I think it’s important to consider that when 
deciding on a name.

>In the end I think is more important to me to know if we (and I in
>concrete) are doing right investing time trying to make website / docs /
>examples / jewel themes ... with a design based on marketing guidelines to
>get some feeling of uniqueness or is useless or not valuable. Maybe I'm
>blinded by what I see and only I see it and in that case it would not make
>any sense so many hours chasing that kind of goal since it'll does not fit
>any community need out there.

I appreciate your efforts in that regard and am sure everyone else does. I 
don’t think having reservations about a name is a criticism of your efforts.


El mar., 16 jul. 2019 a las 8:45, Greg Dove (<greg.d...@gmail.com>)

> Alex,
> I think that java framework is unlikely to be important for the same
> reasons you give for 3rd party Basic or Jewel.
> Firstly I don't think it has been widely used.
> Although it is never a perfect assessment, I tend to look at things like
> that by first checking how active they are (commits, issues etc as a
> project) and also how popular they are (in the absence of more stringent
> criteria, this is my same 'rule of thumb' for choosing an npm library these
> days too)
> That project does not appear to be active for at least 3 years (whatever
> type of activity you look at), and has a low star-rating and fork count.
> Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, iiuc that project is more of an
> alternative to Royale than it is something that would be ported to Royale.
> It looks to be a way to write web apps in java with xml-based component
> definitions.
> So (assuming that is correct), I do consider the risk of any confusion here
> is extremely low based on how popular/active it is and also on (my
> understanding of) what it does.
> In terms of effort etc...
> I was only vaguely aware of Swiz before I worked with Carlos, I had only
> used PureMVC, Parsley and Robotlegs previously. So I can say outright that
> I approached this without any prior knowledge of Swiz.
> Firstly, for the 'porting' aspect, we are only talking about the volume of
> Swiz-based Flex apps that have not yet been migrated to some other
> platform. We have no way of knowing how many that is. It may not be that
> large, and I think Carlos is thinking more about the value of having 'Crux'
> marketing to support future applications being built with Royale, to help
> drive demand for Royale in general. Carlos will need to confirm that, but
> it was my impression.
> For people who are porting a legacy app, whether someone uses Crux in
> Royale or Swiz in Flex it is essentially the same effort, there is really
> no meaningful impact on the user for the name change, because the
> difference is the configuration at app level, which in Royale is by
> application bead. So I think the name change will have no meaningful impact
> on the porting of any Swiz based Flex apps. I know this in part because I
> already worked on the port of Carlos's original Swiz-based Flex app (it is
> not yet fully ported for Swiz->Crux, and was originally ported to Royale
> with workarounds for anything Swiz-like, but I have since tested services
> setup and login/logout UI flow with Crux using his Royale app to get some
> real-world testing done).
> Apart from that, I believe that Swiz originally took inspiration from the
> (java) Spring framework, so (although I never used Spring myself) I
> understand that the general concepts (e.g. 'Beans' which is a core
> concept) and principles for dependency injection and IoC are inspired by
> Spring in the first place.
> My understanding of the main rationale for the name change is for marketing
> purposes, which Carlos is willing to devote time and effort to. It is more
> a focus on the future, in the same way I think that FlexJS became Royale
> even though it is still based on the same thing. If Carlos is prepared to
> do build branding and help create demand for Royale (via 'Crux' in this
> case), then I think we should allow him to do so and trust his judgment on
> this, because of what he has done so far in other ways, and because I think
> he is willing to put more effort in on that aspect than most of us
> (although I can only speak with certainty for myself).
> If Royale is to be successful, it will not be enough to simply 'build it
> and they will come', so I say let him go for it. As long as there are no
> risks with the naming (which so far I think there are not), I don't see any
> downsides here.
> Outside of those points, I can only state that I personally don't mind what
> the name is, although the name 'Crux' has 'grown on me'.
> I was planning to merge 'crux' in today, but I will hold off for now I
> guess. Basically it is ready to merge as is (pending changes after Josh's
> latest updates)
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 4:14 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid>
> wrote:
> > Hi Carlos,
> >
> > I don't think you understood my point.  Probably every good name has been
> > used on GitHub or soon will be.  Even Royale was.  The question is
> whether
> > anyone would want to see some other 3rd-party Jewel or Basic library
> > implemented in Royale.  I suspect it is unlikely.
> >
> > "Crux" for Java appears to be some sort of web-app productivity
> framework.
> > http://www.cruxframework.org/?locale=en_US#!view=home
> > So there is a higher probability that if Royale becomes very popular that
> > someone might want to see Crux for Java APIs ported to JS, similar to
> Java
> > Commons vs AS3 Commons.
> >
> > Regarding the use of "Swiz" as the name, I haven't looked at the code
> Greg
> > did, but if the APIs are the same and the general principles of
> dependency
> > injection are the same, then I don't understand why we want to say that
> > "Swiz" is for Flex and "XXX is for Royale".  As every day ticks off the
> > calendar towards 2020, I think we want to do what we can to reduce the
> > amount of time/effort to migrate a Flex app to Royale, and renaming
> > something just adds to the effort instead of reducing it, IMO.
> >
> > My 2 cents,
> > -Alex
> >
> > On 7/15/19, 1:58 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi Alex,
> >
> >     your concerns about Crux name applies to the others like Basic or
> Jewel
> >     (just to name a few). If I search for "Jewel js" in google I get
> > various
> >     Jewel libraries (same for Basic js). What makes Jewel appropriate for
> > us is
> >     that is an internal name (internal branding) we use to refer to that
> >     concrete part of the entire Royale framework, so in then end is not
> > about
> >     "jewel" for folks here their brain knows that we are talking all the
> > time
> >     about "Apache Royale Jewel". One more thing we add using this kind of
> > names
> >     is: 1) Names that has some marketing, and we can create icons, or
> more
> > (it
> >     will be hard for me create a icon for FlexJS or SwizRoyale), 2) short
> > names
> >     with some meaning inside the ecosystem and relation with a set of
> words
> >     that shares some meaning root. And moreover, since we changed to
> Royale
> >     name we are doing all the things in the same line of action what
> makes
> > the
> >     naming decisions in Royale follow a strategy. It would be not
> > consistent to
> >     come back to older name strategy like FlexJS or SwizRoyale. We should
> >     follow what we started and continue in that line.
> >
> >     I must say I never thought in MXRoyale and SparkRoyale naming, since
> > it was
> >     a work in progress that started to grow in Royale progressively and I
> > was
> >     focused in other parts. For that cases, we could bring other names or
> > not.
> >     I must say that I didn't take much time to think about it
> > conceptually. We
> >     could do or not depending on what you want to do in that part.
> >
> >     For Jewel, we didn't thought about it so much. I remember I started
> > with
> >     other codename, but very soon I renamed and shared to Jewel
> explaining
> > the
> >     motivations, thoughts, and meaning of that name. But, we didn't some
> > king
> >     of name process for it
> >
> >     In the case of Crux. I think it could not be "Crux",I like for the
> >     shortness and meaning, but could be other better options. What I
> don't
> > like
> >     is bring as "Swiz" or "SwizRoyale". The first because is not Swiz
> (as I
> >     explained Swiz is for Flex) and SwizRoyale is for me very long and
> > does not
> >     have a meaning inside of what we are doing with the rest of Royale
> > naming
> >     decision and marketing (making it very difficult to brand along with
> > the
> >     rest of Royale parts for marketing and web).
> >
> >     just my 2
> >
> >     Carlos
> >
> >
> >
> >     El lun., 15 jul. 2019 a las 6:30, Alex Harui
> (<aha...@adobe.com.invalid
> > >)
> >     escribió:
> >
> >     > Regarding naming, giving something a longer more descriptive name
> > can also
> >     > make it harder to use and then folks start using the short name and
> > then
> >     > there can be confusion again.
> >     >
> >     > AIUI, trademark issues are about confusion.  Names like "Basic" and
> >     > "Jewel" don't appear to have uses that could be confusing.  "Crux"
> > appears
> >     > to be some sort of language thing for Java being brought over to
> JS,
> > so my
> >     > concern is that someone may someday want Royale to support a Crux
> > library
> >     > that is based on the Java thing.
> >     >
> >     > We are using MXRoyale and SparkRoyale as names for the emulations
> of
> >     > Flex's MX and Spark components.  "SwizRoyale" would be consistent,
> >     > especially if the goal is to emulate Swiz and potentially get more
> > of the
> >     > Swiz code officially contributed to Apache Royale.  Having renamed
> > lots of
> >     > FlexJS to Royale, I can tell you that renaming still takes time.
> >     >
> >     > My 2 cents,
> >     > -Alex
> >     >
> >     > On 7/12/19, 3:41 AM, "Carlos Rovira" <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> > wrote:
> >     >
> >     >     Hi Greg!
> >     >
> >     >     great progress with the latest touches.
> >     >
> >     >     My latest days was in Crux branch so for me is ok to do the
> > merge I
> >     > think
> >     >     we cover all the things needed like licensing and avoid name
> > conflicts.
> >     >     Even we always can improve any of those things over time. So
> > it's ok.
> >     >
> >     >     About the name: You're right, Apache Royale Crux is like other
> > "parts"
> >     > in
> >     >     Apache Royale, i.e Apache Royale Basic, Apache Royale Jewel,
> > .... just
> >     > a
> >     >     convenient name to refer a concrete part of the Apache Royale
> > ecosystem
> >     >     with a bit of meaning and other bit of marketing (I plan to
> > create some
> >     >     icon for the web in the future as I did with Jewel, and we can
> > do some
> >     >     graphics and more when we reach a good point with the actual
> >     > documentation
> >     >     effort). One important thing for me with the name is to make it
> >     > different
> >     >     to Swiz to avoid confusion on that part: Swiz is for Flex,
> while
> > Crux
> >     > is
> >     >     for Royale. So if people talks about Swiz it will be clear that
> > is
> >     > about
> >     >     the project for Apache Flex, while if talks about Crux is clear
> > that
> >     > is for
> >     >     Apache Royale. The same happens at major level with Apache Flex
> > and
> >     > Apache
> >     >     Royale project.
> >     >
> >     >     So for me it's all ok.
> >     >
> >     >     Thanks for the hard work in this regard Greg!
> >     >
> >     >     Carlos
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >     El vie., 12 jul. 2019 a las 9:31, Piotr Zarzycki (<
> >     > piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>)
> >     >     escribió:
> >     >
> >     >     > Hi Greg,
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Thanks for update. I'm having again more important tasks and
> > that is
> >     > why I
> >     >     > didn't start release process yet. It looks like I will have
> > for sure
> >     > 2 full
> >     >     > working days to start process on upcoming Wednesday. If you
> > make it
> >     > till
> >     >     > that time it would be great, if not let's stay on the branch.
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Thanks,
> >     >     > Piotr
> >     >     >
> >     >     > pt., 12 lip 2019 o 07:26 Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>
> > napisał(a):
> >     >     >
> >     >     > > Just a quick update...
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > I just fixed the ant builds for the 3 simple crux examples
> > in the
> >     > branch,
> >     >     > > which were not working yet.
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > There will continue to be improvements and fixes over time,
> > but I
> >     >     > actually
> >     >     > > think it's at a state where it could be merged into
> develop.
> >     > Unless there
> >     >     > > is a reason not to, I plan to do this by start of next
> week.
> >     >     > > This should not impact anyone else because it is something
> > new,
> >     > there are
> >     >     > > no changes to anything already present.
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > In terms of the name as 'Crux', so far I had feedback from
> > one
> >     > person to
> >     >     > > give the naming some more thought, mainly because of the
> >     > possibility for
> >     >     > > name conflicts with other libraries.
> >     >     > > Carlos suggested to me that we should always use 'Apache
> > Royale
> >     > Crux' in
> >     >     > > terms of a general reference or to introduce it for the
> first
> >     > time, and
> >     >     > > then (iirc) 'Crux' by itself only in a very clear Apache
> > Royale
> >     > context,
> >     >     > > which avoids naming conflicts. As I understand it, this
> type
> > of
> >     > issue is
> >     >     > > similar to some other things from the past.
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > So far I don't see anything holding back a merge. But
> please
> > let
> >     > me know
> >     >     > if
> >     >     > > there is anything else.
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > Thanks,
> >     >     > > -Greg
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > On Sat, Jul 6, 2019 at 3:35 AM Josh Tynjala <
> >     > joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev>
> >     >     > > wrote:
> >     >     > >
> >     >     > > > Interesting! I didn't know that the capture phase worked
> > for
> >     >     > non-bubbling
> >     >     > > > events. Good to know. Thanks for looking into it and
> > sharing your
> >     >     > > findings,
> >     >     > > > Greg.
> >     >     > > >
> >     >     > > > - Josh
> >     >     > > >
> >     >     > > >
> >     >     > > > On Thu, Jul 4, 2019, 11:12 PM Greg Dove <
> > greg.d...@gmail.com>
> >     > wrote:
> >     >     > > >
> >     >     > > > > Hi Josh,
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > For the addedToStage stuff:
> >     >     > > > > You made me look! Swiz does not actually use the ADDED
> > event,
> >     > it
> >     >     > > > definitely
> >     >     > > > > does use ADDED_TO_STAGE by default, but you're
> absolutely
> >     > right, this
> >     >     > > > does
> >     >     > > > > not bubble.
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > I did not pay too much attention to the 'bubbling' side
> > of
> >     > things
> >     >     > > > because I
> >     >     > > > > could see it working in flash and just assumed that's
> > what was
> >     >     > > happening.
> >     >     > > > > But it is actually being listened to as a capture phase
> > event.
> >     > And
> >     >     > that
> >     >     > > > > does give the same outward impression (without looking
> > too
> >     > closely)
> >     >     > as
> >     >     > > if
> >     >     > > > > it were bubbling in this case.
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > I even resorted to a quick test in Adobe Animate to
> > verify:
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > import flash.display.Sprite;
> >     >     > > > > import flash.events.Event;
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
> >     >     > > > > sprite.name ='1';
> >     >     > > > > function onAdded(event:Event):void{
> >     >     > > > > trace('added' ,event.target.name)
> >     >     > > > > }
> >     >     > > > > function onRemoved(event:Event):void{
> >     >     > > > > trace('removed' ,event.target.name)
> >     >     > > > > }
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > sprite.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded,
> > true);
> >     >     > > > > sprite.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE,
> > onRemoved,
> >     > true);
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > var sprite2:Sprite = new Sprite();
> >     >     > > > > sprite2.name = '2'
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > var sprite3:Sprite = new Sprite();
> >     >     > > > > sprite3.name = '3'
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > addChild(sprite);
> >     >     > > > > sprite.addChild(sprite2)
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > sprite2.addChild(sprite3);
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > //remove the child tree
> >     >     > > > > sprite.removeChild(sprite2)
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > /*
> >     >     > > > > trace output:
> >     >     > > > > added 2
> >     >     > > > > added 3
> >     >     > > > > removed 2
> >     >     > > > > removed 3
> >     >     > > > > */
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > So I updated the stage events emulator to support this.
> >     >     > > > 'removedFromStage'
> >     >     > > > > now also works in capture phase on the strand that the
> > bead is
> >     > on for
> >     >     > > > child
> >     >     > > > > event targets that were removed.
> >     >     > > > > In terms of the names of the events... that is quite
> > easy to
> >     > change.
> >     >     > > But
> >     >     > > > > whatever we decide on, I just need to add as a
> >     > variation
> >     >     > > to
> >     >     > > > > the 'default' setupEventType/teardownEventType in the
> > Config
> >     > class
> >     >     > for
> >     >     > > > Crux
> >     >     > > > > to account for what would now be a difference between
> > SWF and
> >     > JS
> >     >     > (which
> >     >     > > > is
> >     >     > > > > fine by me, I only started with the same names by
> trying
> > to
> >     > match how
> >     >     > > > > things worked in swf as they were). So far it does work
> > the
> >     > same
> >     >     > > between
> >     >     > > > > swf and js builds, although there is only one simple
> > example
> >     > that
> >     >     > > builds
> >     >     > > > > for both which I have tested with.
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > In terms of the name of the bead, also that can be
> > whatever
> >     > people
> >     >     > > think
> >     >     > > > > makes sense. I put JS in the name because one of the
> > builds
> >     > works for
> >     >     > > > both
> >     >     > > > > swf and js. And seeing that a bead is for JS only is
> > maybe
> >     > helpful to
> >     >     > > > > know.. although I have always wondered whether it would
> > make
> >     > sense to
> >     >     > > > have
> >     >     > > > > compiler switches in mxml - some sort of 'transparent'
> >     > enclosing tag
> >     >     > > > > similar to how a COMPILE::JS {  code here } compile
> block
> >     > works in
> >     >     > > > > actionscript. I don't know it that makes sense....
> > something
> >     > like
> >     >     > that
> >     >     > > > > could mean that the swf build does not get the
> > unnecessary bead
> >     >     > (which
> >     >     > > > does
> >     >     > > > > nothing in swf anyway)
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > Thanks heaps for the prompts on these things.
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > -Greg
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 5:49 AM Carlos Rovira <
> >     >     > carlosrov...@apache.org>
> >     >     > > > > wrote:
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > Hi Andrew,
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > good point! That's without doubt another new point to
> > bring
> >     > to :
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > - Royale-docs: We can follow most of the
> documentation
> >     > available
> >     >     > here
> >     >     > > > [1]
> >     >     > > > > > - Examples: In this case I don't see a Tour app since
> > the
> >     > use cases
> >     >     > > are
> >     >     > > > > > very direct and can be exposed in few examples.
> >     >     > > > > > Greg already provide 3 examples that shows all the
> > things
> >     > currently
> >     >     > > > > > developed here [2]. I think we'll need to do soon a
> > blog
> >     > example
> >     >     > > > > > covering Crux too that could be one of those or a new
> > one.
> >     > For
> >     >     > > example
> >     >     > > > > TODO
> >     >     > > > > > List example would be a good one to apply Crux ;)
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > [1]
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fswizframework.jira.com%2Fwiki%2Fspaces%2FSWIZ%2Foverview&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904204068&amp;sdata=OY6kNAiQ6DCyYec%2FhoEpIak7cN06H%2FBMJfgv5BYO1FM%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > > [2]
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapache%2Froyale-asjs%2Ftree%2Ffeature%2FCrux%2Fexamples%2Fcrux&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=97LlN7PjHOKk61bq1uK48NGA%2FSyUoB6QZLTBaUaZ3zA%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > So many work there too to make it all avaialble to
> > Apache
> >     > Royale
> >     >     > > users
> >     >     > > > as
> >     >     > > > > > easy as possible ;)
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > El jue., 4 jul. 2019 a las 18:46, Andrew Wetmore (<
> >     >     > > cottag...@gmail.com
> >     >     > > > >)
> >     >     > > > > > escribió:
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > This is great.
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > However, even with the original Swiz I found the
> >     > documentation
> >     >     > > quite
> >     >     > > > > thin
> >     >     > > > > > > and that it made a lot of assumptions about what a
> > general
> >     >     > > developer
> >     >     > > > > > might
> >     >     > > > > > > know and need to know. This site [1] made an
> attempt
> > about
> >     > ten
> >     >     > > years
> >     >     > > > > ago
> >     >     > > > > > to
> >     >     > > > > > > improve on an intro to Swiz. What plans are in the
> > works
> >     > to not
> >     >     > > only
> >     >     > > > > > > provide Crux, but make it welcoming and accessible?
> > Tour de
> >     >     > Crux??
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > a
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > [1]
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeshartman.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F02%2F07%2Ffirst-swiz%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=sgPaqbExKNgVCk2coQbF%2Fc3wW0cvHHklDjBd1BgREPA%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 1:17 PM Josh Tynjala <
> >     >     > > > joshtynj...@bowlerhat.dev
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > wrote:
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > Cool stuff, Greg and Carlos!
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > One concern: In Flash, the "addedToStage" event
> > does not
> >     >     > bubble.
> >     >     > > > It's
> >     >     > > > > > > > actually the "added" event that bubbles and is
> > used by
> >     >     > frameworks
> >     >     > > > > like
> >     >     > > > > > > > Swiz, Cairngorm, Robotlegs, etc.
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > To avoid potential confusion for people migrating
> > an
> >     > existing
> >     >     > app
> >     >     > > > > from
> >     >     > > > > > > > Flex/Flash that might already listen for that
> > event (and
> >     >     > wouldn't
> >     >     > > > > > expect
> >     >     > > > > > > it
> >     >     > > > > > > > to bubble), I'd recommend using a different name
> > than
> >     >     > > > "addedToStage".
> >     >     > > > > > It
> >     >     > > > > > > > could be "added", like Flash. Or it could even
> > have a
> >     > new name
> >     >     > > > that's
> >     >     > > > > > > > similar to "addedToStage", but is more relevant
> to
> >     > Royale.
> >     >     > Royale
> >     >     > > > > > doesn't
> >     >     > > > > > > > have a "stage", so that name feels a bit out of
> > place to
> >     > me
> >     >     > > anyway.
> >     >     > > > > > Maybe
> >     >     > > > > > > > "addedToApplication" or something like that.
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > - Josh
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > On Wed, Jul 3, 2019, 11:11 PM Greg Dove <
> >     > greg.d...@gmail.com>
> >     >     > > > wrote:
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Hi all,
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Just a quick advance notice that we are getting
> >     > something
> >     >     > very
> >     >     > > > > > similar
> >     >     > > > > > > to
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Swiz before too long.
> >     >     > > > > > > > > There is a new branch called feature/Crux
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > We can still explore other possible ways to
> >     > incorporate Swiz
> >     >     > > code
> >     >     > > > > in
> >     >     > > > > > > > Royale
> >     >     > > > > > > > > (we have looked at having the code donated in
> the
> >     > past), but
> >     >     > > for
> >     >     > > > > now
> >     >     > > > > > at
> >     >     > > > > > > > > least it is as a derivative work,
> differentiated
> > by
> >     > name as
> >     >     > > > 'Crux'
> >     >     > > > > > and
> >     >     > > > > > > > > hence the name of the branch. 'Crux' means a
> > main or
> >     > pivotal
> >     >     > > > point
> >     >     > > > > -
> >     >     > > > > > > > > something important - and a common English
> > expression
> >     > that
> >     >     > can
> >     >     > > > > > express
> >     >     > > > > > > > that
> >     >     > > > > > > > > is when someone says ""the crux of the matter"
> -
> > it
> >     > means an
> >     >     > > > > > important
> >     >     > > > > > > > > thing to focus on.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > The name is what it is now - it is short and
> has
> > a
> >     > powerful
> >     >     > > > > meaning.
> >     >     > > > > > > But
> >     >     > > > > > > > > certainly we can review that too.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > The branch has the beginnings of the original
> > Swiz
> >     >     > > functionality
> >     >     > > > > > which
> >     >     > > > > > > > > supports metadata driven Injection (including
> > runtime
> >     > Binding
> >     >     > > > > > > Injection),
> >     >     > > > > > > > > EventHandlers, main Dispatcher etc.
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Those things are already shown in 3 examples
> [1]
> > in
> >     >     > > examples/crux
> >     >     > > > > in
> >     >     > > > > > > the
> >     >     > > > > > > > > branch, (but I did not check the ant builds for
> > those
> >     > yet- I
> >     >     > > will
> >     >     > > > > get
> >     >     > > > > > > to
> >     >     > > > > > > > > that). Beyond those features, I have not
> > ventured far
> >     > yet,
> >     >     > and
> >     >     > > > > > perhaps
> >     >     > > > > > > > some
> >     >     > > > > > > > > of the others may not be relevant for Royale.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > In case it's useful elsewhere, there is also a
> > new
> >     >     > > JSStageEvents
> >     >     > > > > > > 'stage
> >     >     > > > > > > > > events' simulator bead which works from the
> main
> >     > application
> >     >     > > > level,
> >     >     > > > > > and
> >     >     > > > > > > > > provides bubbling 'addedToStage' events which
> > Crux
> >     > listens to
> >     >     > > at
> >     >     > > > > the
> >     >     > > > > > > top
> >     >     > > > > > > > > level. These can be filtered (so not everything
> >     > generates the
> >     >     > > > > events,
> >     >     > > > > > > for
> >     >     > > > > > > > > example). Not sure if that might be useful for
> > other
> >     > things,
> >     >     > > just
> >     >     > > > > > > > > mentioning it for now... It does dispatch
> >     > 'removedFromStage'
> >     >     > as
> >     >     > > > > well,
> >     >     > > > > > > but
> >     >     > > > > > > > > too late for bubbling, so I will investigate if
> > I can
> >     > do
> >     >     > > > something
> >     >     > > > > a
> >     >     > > > > > > bit
> >     >     > > > > > > > > sneaky to see if I can make that work.
> Otherwise
> > it is
> >     > always
> >     >     > > > > > possible
> >     >     > > > > > > to
> >     >     > > > > > > > > add  removedFromStage  listeners directly to
> the
> >     > target of
> >     >     > > > interest
> >     >     > > > > > > > inside
> >     >     > > > > > > > > an 'addedToStage' listener.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > I expect there will be bugs, and I of course
> > there
> >     > will be
> >     >     > many
> >     >     > > > > > things
> >     >     > > > > > > I
> >     >     > > > > > > > > can continue to improve, so this is just an
> early
> >     >     > announcement
> >     >     > > > for
> >     >     > > > > > your
> >     >     > > > > > > > > awareness. Carlos sponsored a large chunk of my
> > time
> >     > on this,
> >     >     > > so
> >     >     > > > > you
> >     >     > > > > > > have
> >     >     > > > > > > > > him to thank for that, but I have also
> > contributed a
> >     > lot of
> >     >     > my
> >     >     > > > own
> >     >     > > > > > > time,
> >     >     > > > > > > > > and will continue to do so. Thanks also to Alex
> > for
> >     > recent
> >     >     > > > guidance
> >     >     > > > > > on
> >     >     > > > > > > > > licencing issues, this was uncharted territory
> > for me.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Anyhow, Carlos will, I am sure, provide more
> > info, he
> >     > is very
> >     >     > > > > > familiar
> >     >     > > > > > > > with
> >     >     > > > > > > > > Swiz from the past.
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > -Greg
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > > > 1.
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > >
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapache%2Froyale-asjs%2Ftree%2Ffeature%2FCrux%2Fexamples%2Fcrux&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=97LlN7PjHOKk61bq1uK48NGA%2FSyUoB6QZLTBaUaZ3zA%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > > --
> >     >     > > > > > > Andrew Wetmore
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcottage14.blogspot.com%2F&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=ZcyjbKrdRC78UyX7Zuei9JGr%2FZLgS5ZzqNJcS3cBxCo%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > > > --
> >     >     > > > > > Carlos Rovira
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=GRAeUEFlSzk8c9vEgUUObXpbi8KQSpuSQ3Ioom6Qhug%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > > > > >
> >     >     > > > >
> >     >     > > >
> >     >     > >
> >     >     >
> >     >     >
> >     >     > --
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Piotr Zarzycki
> >     >     >
> >     >     > Patreon: *
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fpiotrzarzycki&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=LESJabBWS0G0gb%2B8mscII4GCHk9OiLWCLcEQMRY1jP4%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >     > <
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Fpiotrzarzycki&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=LESJabBWS0G0gb%2B8mscII4GCHk9OiLWCLcEQMRY1jP4%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     > >*
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >     --
> >     >     Carlos Rovira
> >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904214063&amp;sdata=GRAeUEFlSzk8c9vEgUUObXpbi8KQSpuSQ3Ioom6Qhug%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >
> >
> >     --
> >     Carlos Rovira
> >
> >
> https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fabout.me%2Fcarlosrovira&amp;data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C45f931bc41084fa4c0ab08d709028f22%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636987778904224058&amp;sdata=his5FHxegkIjj8mqR6H2hqWpt%2BTPN7orwas7CQxt6T8%3D&amp;reserved=0
> >
> >
> >

Carlos Rovira

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