
while adding yesterday all "Where to go from here" sections in all blog
examples, I found that Royale docs need a sub menu in the sidebar with some
royale important concepts.

So after "*Get Started*" and before "*Component Sets*" I think we need
something like a "*Fundamental Concepts*" (maybe this title is not the best
and others can get other that match better, I'll try to think in other that
fits better too. I try to refer to "Core Concepts" or a "Technology
features" here).

Is what a user should need to know just after finish "Get Started" guide
and a hello world...know the tools avaialble in the royale arsenal, know
that they have available things like binding, states, modules...

In this submenu we need to cover the things that are still not covered in
the docs and others that are covered but seems a bit lost in places
difficult to find or that are not the best way where a user should find it,
or try to search for it.

Options will be all core concepts:

 - *Fundamental Concepts *
      - *View States* (just created an empty page yesterday)
      - *Data Binding* (page exists too but is empty now and needs to be
      - *Modules* (This already exist, I think just need to be relocated)
      - *Externs* (this one was created yesterday by Andrew, again the
problem is still not referenced in menu, and is under "user-interface", but
is more a "core concept" or a "technology feature").
      - *Loading Data* or *Data Access*: This should have a sub menu with
the main ways to access data :
           - *HTTPService*
           - *JSON*
           - *AMF*
           - ...
      - *Metadata*
      - *Styles and CSS*
      - ...  I'm sure there are more to bring here...

For me this is the main missing piece we need to address, and of course
completing not only that menu but many other pages still to fill.

Just one thing to end: In each page after main title the template expect
the next line to be a short subtitle. For example, in the new "Externs"
page y added a new line after title "Use external javascript libraries in
ActiopnScript" So that line is shown in blue and with a bit more size to
match the web style. That line should help a user to quickly understand
what's that page about, since just "Externs" probably will not be of much
help for a beginner.

many pages are still without subtitle, but as we go over all docs, we
should add this lines to help users reaching that pages.


Carlos Rovira

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