The .jar file downloaded from the CI server doesn't include the
playerglobal.swc dependency, so it seems like it isn't using

For Release Step 11 on the CI server (when royale-asjs is built with Maven)
option-with-swf is explicitly included in the Maven options, even though it
looks to me like that's supposed to be automatic too.

I'd say it doesn't hurt to try.

Josh Tynjala
Bowler Hat LLC <>

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 10:29 AM Alex Harui <> wrote:

> royale-release profile should turn on option-with-swf.
> On 4/7/21, 10:24 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:
>     I just logged into the CI server. I see that the configuration for
> Release
>     Step 2 includes running Maven with the following options:
>     -X
>     --batch-mode
>     -Proyale-release,apache-release
>     release:prepare
>     -Dtag=org.apache.royale.compiler-$releaseversion-rc$RCNUMBER
>     -DpushChanges=false
>     -Dusername=$GITUSERNAME
>     Notice that -P does not include option-with-swf.
>     I think that you need to update Release Step 2 on the CI server. Since
>     releasesteps.xml includes option-with-swf, the CI server should too.
>     --
>     Josh Tynjala
>     Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 1:43 AM Yishay Weiss <>
> wrote:
>     > Running  ant -f releasesteps.xml Release_Step_003
> -Drelease.version=0.9.8
>     > succeeds on the CI server but fails my local pc because of this
> difference
>     > in DEPENDENCIES. So it’s the same command being run with different
> results,
>     > which means we can’t release.
>     >
>     > The only differences I can think of are the mvn version (mine is
> 3.6.3,
>     > CI’s is 3.6.0), and the java version (mine is 1.8.0_281, CI’s is
> 1.8.0_201).
>     >
>     > I tried removing the playerglobal.swc from CI server’s .m2 repo and
>     > letting mvn download it but it’s the same result.
>     >
>     > From: Josh Tynjala<>
>     > Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 7:42 PM
>     > To: Apache Royale Development<>
>     > Subject: Re: [Discuss] What to do with SWF target now that Adobe
> removed
>     > Flash Player in 2021 (Re: How to build from now on?)
>     >
>     > I have tested locally and confirmed that playerglobal.swc is listed
> in
>     > flex-compiler-oem's META-INF/DEPENDENCIES only when using -P
>     > option-with-swf. That makes sense. So I guess you didn't use -P
>     > option-with-swf on one of the computers.
>     >
>     > --
>     > Josh Tynjala
>     > Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     >
>     >
>     > On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 9:23 AM Josh Tynjala <
>     > wrote:
>     >
>     > > Yeah, that could be where it comes from. By why would that affect
> one
>     > > computer, but not another? That doesn't make sense to me. Unless
> maybe a
>     > > slightly different command is being run on the two computers. Are
> both
>     > > using option-with-swf?
>     > >
>     > > --
>     > > Josh Tynjala
>     > > Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >
>     > >
>     > > On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 1:58 AM Yishay Weiss <
>     > > wrote:
>     > >
>     > >> Not sure if this is related, but I found this in
>     > >> royale-compiler/compiler/pom.xml
>     > >>
>     > >> <profile>
>     > >>       <id>option-with-swf</id>
>     > >>       <dependencies>
>     > >>         <!-- Ensure the playerglobal is available for running
> tests -->
>     > >>         <dependency>
>     > >>           <groupId>com.adobe.flash.framework</groupId>
>     > >>           <artifactId>playerglobal</artifactId>
>     > >>           <version>${flash.version}</version>
>     > >>           <type>swc</type>
>     > >>           <scope>runtime</scope>
>     > >>         </dependency>
>     > >>       </dependencies>
>     > >>     </profile>
>     > >>
>     > >> From: Josh Tynjala<>
>     > >> Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 7:26 PM
>     > >> To: Apache Royale Development<>
>     > >> Subject: Re: [Discuss] What to do with SWF target now that Adobe
> removed
>     > >> Flash Player in 2021 (Re: How to build from now on?)
>     > >>
>     > >> I wouldn't expect a compiler .jar file to have a dependency on
> any .swc
>     > >> files. That doesn't really make any sense to me. Chris might
> know, since
>     > >> he
>     > >> did the Maven stuff, but he may or may not be around to help
> anymore.
>     > >>
>     > >> --
>     > >> Josh Tynjala
>     > >> Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     > >> On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 4:14 AM Yishay Weiss <
>     > >> wrote:
>     > >>
>     > >> > One more thing, perhaps related. I’m getting a different in the
>     > >> > flex-compiler-oem-0.9.8.jar between my local system and the CI
> server
>     > >> > because of this line
>     > >> >
>     > >> > +  - playerglobal
> com.adobe.flash.framework:playerglobal:swc:20.0
>     > >> >
>     > >> >
>     > >> > which only exists in one of the systems. Any ideas on how to get
>     > around
>     > >> > that?
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Thanks.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > From: Yishay Weiss<>
>     > >> > Sent: Monday, April 5, 2021 10:36 AM
>     > >> > To:<>
>     > >> > Subject: RE: [Discuss] What to do with SWF target now that Adobe
>     > removed
>     > >> > Flash Player in 2021 (Re: How to build from now on?)
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Hi Josh,
>     > >> >
>     > >> > I’m running release ant script which has
>     > >> >
>     > >> > <exec executable="${mvn}" dir="${artifactfolder}/sources"
>     > >> > failonerror="true" >
>     > >> >             <arg value="clean" />
>     > >> >             <arg value="install" />
>     > >> >             <arg value="-Proyale-release,option-with-swf" />
>     > >> >         </exec>
>     > >> >
>     > >> > This results in
>     > >> >
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO] Installing
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> C:\temp2\sources\compiler-playerglobalc\target\compiler-playerglobalc-0.9.8-tests.jar
>     > >> > to C:\Users\yisha\.m2\repository\org\apache\royale\compile
>     > >> >
> r\compiler-playerglobalc\0.9.8\compiler-playerglobalc-0.9.8-tests.jar
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO]
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO] ----------------<
>     > org.apache.royale.compiler:compiler
>     > >> > >-----------------
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO] Building Apache Royale: Compiler: Compiler
> 0.9.8
>     > >> >           [6/13]
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar
>     > >> > ]---------------------------------
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO] Couldn't find artifact:
>     > >> > com.adobe.flash.framework:20.0:playerglobal:pom
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO]
>     > >> > ===========================================================
>     > >> >      [exec] [INFO]  - Installing Adobe Flash SDK 20.0
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Found binding in
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> [jar:file:/C:/Users/yisha/.m2/repository/org/apache/flex/utilities/converter/flex-sdk-converter-maven-extension/1.0.0/flex-sdk-converter-m
>     > >> >
> aven-extension-1.0.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Found binding in
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> [jar:file:/C:/Users/yisha/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.21/slf4j-simple-1.7.21.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Found binding in
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> [jar:file:/C:/Users/yisha/.m2/repository/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/1.1.7/logback-classic-1.1.7.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder
>     > >> > .class]
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Found binding in
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> [jar:file:/C:/dev/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/../lib/maven-slf4j-provider-3.6.3.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: See
>     > >>
>     > >> > for an explanation.
>     > >> >      [exec] SLF4J: Actual binding is of type
>     > >> > [org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory]
>     > >> >      [exec] Your System-Id: ca4f30bf
>     > >> >      [exec] The Adobe SDK license agreement applies to the
> Adobe Flash
>     > >> > Player playerglobal.swc. Do you want to install the Adobe Flash
> Player
>     > >> > playerglobal.swc?
>     > >> >      [exec] (In a non-interactive build such as a CI server
> build,
>     > >> > alternatively to typing y or yes you can also set a system
> property
>     > >> > containing your system which is interpr
>     > >> > eted as equivalent to accepting by typing y or yes:
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> -Dcom.adobe.systemIdsForWhichTheTermsOfTheAdobeLicenseAgreementAreAccepted=ca4f30bf
>     > >> > )
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Adding
>     > >> >
>     > >> >                <arg
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     >
> value="-Dcom.adobe.systemIdsForWhichTheTermsOfTheAdobeLicenseAgreementAreAccepted=ca4f30bf"
>     > >> > />
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Did make the prompt go away, but I’m not sure if I can commit
> ca4f30bf
>     > >> or
>     > >> > if that’s specific to my system.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Can you advise?
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Thanks.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > From: Josh Tynjala<>
>     > >> > Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2021 12:39 AM
>     > >> > To: Apache Royale Development<>
>     > >> > Subject: Re: [Discuss] What to do with SWF target now that Adobe
>     > removed
>     > >> > Flash Player in 2021 (Re: How to build from now on?)
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Here's a follow-up with my progress in March.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Last month, I had gotten airglobal.swc building, and now, I've
> figured
>     > >> out
>     > >> > how to exclude the AIR-only APIs and build a separate
> playerglobal.swc
>     > >> too.
>     > >> > I've committed playerglobal and airglobal projects to
> royale-typedefs.
>     > >> > Again, these .swc files get built from the Apache-licensed doc
>     > files
>     > >> > that Adobe donated to Apache Flex.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > I've made some changes to the builds for royale-asjs to start
> using
>     > >> these
>     > >> > new .swc files. Libraries build. Examples build. Tests pass.
> These
>     > .swc
>     > >> > files are working nicely. Things can still be improved, but
> it's a
>     > solid
>     > >> > start.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Maven is using our airglobal/playerglobal for pretty much
> everything.
>     > >> You
>     > >> > can run `mvn clean install` at the root of royale-asjs, and it
> will
>     > >> build
>     > >> > all framework .swc files without requiring any Adobe artifacts.
> You
>     > can
>     > >> > also run with `-P with-distribution,option-with-swf` to build a
>     > >> zip/tar.gz
>     > >> > distribution without requiring any Adobe artifacts.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > The only time that the Maven build still requires Adobe
> artifacts is
>     > if
>     > >> you
>     > >> > specify `-P with-distribution,option-with-swf` and
>     > >> > `-DdistributionTargetFolder=` together. The
>     > `-DdistributionTargetFolder`
>     > >> > option merges in everything from the AIR SDK (not only
> airglobal.swc,
>     > >> but
>     > >> > also executables like adt and adl), and I assume that we still
> want
>     > >> that to
>     > >> > be possible, but optional. If you need a SWF distribution
> without
>     > Adobe
>     > >> > stuff, just build the zip/tar.gz version and extract it.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > I basically consider the Maven changes to be done at this point.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Ant is using our airglobal/playerglobal in some places, but not
>     > >> everywhere
>     > >> > yet. You can run `ant` in the root of royale-asjs, and it will
> build
>     > all
>     > >> > framework .swc files without requiring Adobe artifacts. If you
> have
>     > >> > env.AIR_HOME or env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME specified, it will still
> use
>     > Adobe
>     > >> > artifacts, and I plan to keep that working for anyone who
> happens to
>     > >> prefer
>     > >> > that. If you don't have those environment variables set, it
> will use
>     > our
>     > >> > airglobal/playerglobal automatically.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > Building a SWF distribution with Ant still requires
> env.AIR_HOME and
>     > >> > env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME at this time. I just didn't have quite
> enough
>     > time
>     > >> > this month to finish that part. Next month, I hope to be able to
>     > modify
>     > >> the
>     > >> > Ant build to do a full release without Adobe artifacts (except
> you'll
>     > >> still
>     > >> > need Flash Player to run tests, of course).
>     > >> >
>     > >> > I know that there's been talk of doing a release soon. While my
> work
>     > is
>     > >> > still in progress, it's currently in a state that should not
> prevent a
>     > >> > release, if someone wants to do one. As I said, you can still
> specify
>     > >> > env.AIR_HOME and env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME, and the Ant release
>     > distribution
>     > >> > build with Adobe artifacts should work the same as before.
>     > >> >
>     > >> > --
>     > >> > Josh Tynjala
>     > >> > Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >> >
>     > >> >
>     > >> > On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 3:55 PM Josh Tynjala <
>     >
>     > >> >
>     > >> > wrote:
>     > >> >
>     > >> > > Just an update on my progress in February to create an
>     > Apache-licensed
>     > >> > > playerglobal.swc. Last month, I had successfully built the
> SWC file
>     > >> using
>     > >> > > the Apache-licensed asdoc XML files that are in the Flex SDK,
> but I
>     > >> > hadn't
>     > >> > > had a chance to see if I could drop it in to replace the
> official
>     > >> Adobe
>     > >> > SWC
>     > >> > > yet. When I finally got a chance to try it this month, my SWC
> didn't
>     > >> work
>     > >> > > at first. However, I was able to make some tweaks to the APIs
> where
>     > I
>     > >> > > discovered that types/parameters were slightly wrong in the
> docs. I
>     > >> can
>     > >> > now
>     > >> > > successfully use the SWC to build the entire Royale framework
>     > >> (including
>     > >> > > running RoyaleUnit tests), and I can run the compiler's
>     > >> > > "royale.dependent.tests" integration tests too.
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > I also cleaned up the command line API for playerglobalc to
> make it
>     > >> work
>     > >> > > more like other compiler tools, like mxmlc, compc, or
> externc. After
>     > >> > > getting that working, I updated the royale-maven-plugin to
> make it
>     > >> > possible
>     > >> > > to build the same SWC using either Maven or the command line.
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > What I still need to do:
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > - Build separately playerglobal.swc and airglobal.swc.
> AIR-only APIs
>     > >> > > should not appear in playerglobal.swc.
>     > >> > > - Test the SWC with some non-Royale projects too. Since
> building the
>     > >> > > Royale framework helped me find some APIs that were slightly
> wrong
>     > in
>     > >> the
>     > >> > > docs, I figure that I should test the SWC with some other
> projects
>     > >> too. I
>     > >> > > plan to drop the SWC into the Flex SDK, and test some apps
> using
>     > Flex,
>     > >> > > Starling, and Feathers. That should cover a wide range of
> APIs. If
>     > >> they
>     > >> > all
>     > >> > > compile and run, then I think our Apache-licensed replacement
> will
>     > be
>     > >> > > looking pretty solid.
>     > >> > > - Finally, I need to figure out how to integrate our new
>     > >> > > playerglobal.swc/airglobal.swc into the distribution builds.
> I'd
>     > like
>     > >> to
>     > >> > > allow anyone building the framework to continue to use SWCs
> from
>     > >> Adobe or
>     > >> > > Harman, if they'd prefer.
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > --
>     > >> > > Josh Tynjala
>     > >> > > Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > > On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 2:16 PM Josh Tynjala <
>     > >>>
>     > >> > > wrote:
>     > >> > >
>     > >> > >> FYI — I just pushed a prototype playerglobal-source-gen
> project to
>     > >> the
>     > >> > >> royale-compiler repo. It's a command line app that can
> generate .as
>     > >> > files
>     > >> > >> from the Flex SDK's Apache-licensed asdoc files for
>     > playerglobal.swc.
>     > >> > The
>     > >> > >> idea is to use these generated .as files to compile our own
>     > >> > >> playerglobal.swc that we can distribute under the Apache
> license.
>     > If
>     > >> > Adobe
>     > >> > >> ever decides to remove playerglobal.swc from their website,
> we'll
>     > >> have
>     > >> > our
>     > >> > >> version available as a backup.
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> > >> I've gotten the project far enough along that I can
> successfully
>     > >> build
>     > >> > >> the generated .as source files into a .swc without any
> compiler
>     > >> errors.
>     > >> > >> However, I haven't yet had a chance to check if that .swc
> can be
>     > used
>     > >> > in an
>     > >> > >> SDK/distribution instead of the official playerglobal.swc or
>     > >> > airglobal.swc.
>     > >> > >> In February, when I have some more time, I'll continue
> testing all
>     > of
>     > >> > that.
>     > >> > >> I just wanted to share my current progress so far!
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> > >> --
>     > >> > >> Josh Tynjala
>     > >> > >> Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> > >> On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 1:34 AM Carlos Rovira <
>     > >>>
>     > >> > >> wrote:
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> > >>> Hi Josh,
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> I think that's a very good idea. As less external
> dependencies we
>     > >> have
>     > >> > >>> the
>     > >> > >>> better. And I think that means one thing less to download or
>     > manage
>     > >> by
>     > >> > >>> mavenizer.
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> Could it be possible that you contribute it?
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> Thanks
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> El lun, 4 ene 2021 a las 21:53, Josh Tynjala (<
>     > >> >
>     > >> > >>> >)
>     > >> > >>> escribió:
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> > If necessary, I believe that we can create our own custom
>     > >> > >>> playerglobal.swc
>     > >> > >>> > without running into license issues.
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > Basically, the official playerglobal.swc contains only
> the APIs,
>     > >> and
>     > >> > no
>     > >> > >>> > implementation, so it's basically like the
> typedef/externs SWCs
>     > >> that
>     > >> > we
>     > >> > >>> > create for JS libraries in Royale
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > The Apache Flex repo contains full ASDoc XML files for
>     > >> > playerglobal.swc
>     > >> > >>> > under an Apache license. These files should contain enough
>     > >> > information
>     > >> > >>> > about variable/property types and method signatures that
> someone
>     > >> > could
>     > >> > >>> > write a parser to get all of the data we need to generate
> AS3
>     > stub
>     > >> > >>> classes
>     > >> > >>> > and build a SWC from that.
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > --
>     > >> > >>> > Josh Tynjala
>     > >> > >>> > Bowler Hat LLC <
> >
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > On Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 11:07 AM Harbs <
>     > >> wrote:
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > > Let’s wait and see whether we are dealing with real
> issues or
>     > >> not.
>     > >> > If
>     > >> > >>> > it’s
>     > >> > >>> > > an issue we can debate solutions.
>     > >> > >>> > >
>     > >> > >>> > > I’m happy to ask my Adobe contacts what the plan is.
>     > >> > >>> > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > On Jan 3, 2021, at 8:52 PM, Carlos Rovira <
>     > >> >
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > > wrote:
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > Hi Harbs,
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > the problem here's that I think we are on Apache, and
> using
>     > a
>     > >> > >>> piece of
>     > >> > >>> > > > software that is under a clear license use will be
> against
>     > the
>     > >> > >>> > foundation
>     > >> > >>> > > > rules. So although you or I can host the files,
> that's not
>     > >> seem
>     > >> > to
>     > >> > >>> me
>     > >> > >>> > > like
>     > >> > >>> > > > a solution to the real problem.
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > I'm for go step by step and first try to talk with
> Adobe
>     > >> > >>> > representatives
>     > >> > >>> > > to
>     > >> > >>> > > > get the permission for Apache to host the player
> files only
>     > >> for
>     > >> > our
>     > >> > >>> > flex
>     > >> > >>> > > > and royale use cases. I think we could continue
> discussion
>     > >> after
>     > >> > we
>     > >> > >>> > know
>     > >> > >>> > > > the solution to this request
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > Can you, Alex or others do this request? or if you
> want I
>     > can
>     > >> do
>     > >> > >>> it,
>     > >> > >>> > but
>     > >> > >>> > > > need someone to provide me the contact at adobe.
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > Thanks
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > El dom, 3 ene 2021 a las 15:59, Harbs (<
>     >
>     > >> >)
>     > >> > >>> > > escribió:
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > >> There’s no license agreement when downloading
> playerglobal
>     > or
>     > >> > the
>     > >> > >>> > > content
>     > >> > >>> > > >> debugger.
>     > >> > >>> > > >>
>     > >> > >>> > > >> I’m willing to take the risk to personally host
> these files
>     > >> if
>     > >> > >>> > > necessary.
>     > >> > >>> > > >>
>     > >> > >>> > > >>> On Jan 3, 2021, at 4:47 PM, Christofer Dutz <
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > >> wrote:
>     > >> > >>> > > >>>
>     > >> > >>> > > >>> And I doubt we would be allowed to simply upload
> Adobe
>     > >> stuff to
>     > >> > >>> any
>     > >> > >>> > > >> other server wirhout explicit conset from them. The
> license
>     > >> > >>> agreement
>     > >> > >>> > > you
>     > >> > >>> > > >> agreed to when downloading explicitly forbids that
> (at
>     > least
>     > >> it
>     > >> > >>> did,
>     > >> > >>> > > wenn
>     > >> > >>> > > >> we were working on the Flex Mavenizer and I doubt
> things
>     > >> > changed)
>     > >> > >>> > > >>
>     > >> > >>> > > >>
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > > > --
>     > >> > >>> > > > Carlos Rovira
>     > >> > >>> > > > Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>     > >> > >>> > > > *Apache Software Foundation*
>     > >> > >>> > > >
>     > >> > >>> > >
>     > >> > >>> > >
>     > >> > >>> >
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>> --
>     > >> > >>> Carlos Rovira
>     > >> > >>> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>     > >> > >>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>>
>     > >> > >>
>     > >> >
>     > >> >
>     > >>
>     > >>
>     >
>     >

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