Hi Hugo,

Thank a lot for your reply and sharing.
I don't know if it's an issue with my webmail, I don't have an attachment. Could you send it directly on my email ? (contact at cristallium.com ) I will try with latest build from source to have some of your fix and study your DataGrid.as
I will keep you in touch if I can do more improvements

Le 2023-04-25 23:51, Hugo Ferreira a écrit :


DataGrid does not work good with a lot of data (as you saw).
You can use pagination (the users hate this approach and it's not very mobile friendly but it's technically a simple way to solve this problem) or you can render on the screen only what is visible (the users love this approach, it's mobile friendly but technically it's hard). Think about a game with 1000 players on the screen that you hide what is not visible at a specific moment.

VirtualDataGrid have this goal however there are many chalenges to be usable. I saw in action several issues, I was able to find what I fix the majority of them and push to Royale github (I recomend compile from the lastest source), I was able to fix 2 other problems in a ugly way and for that reason I have an extension of the VirtualDataGrid on my libraries (as soon I find better approach, I will exchange this local patches to Royale). You can find in attachment my DataGrid.as that extends from Royale VirtualDataGrid.as The 2 issues are commented in English (sorry for my bad English), so it's easy to understand the issues and what the pach does.

I also recomend to create ItemRenderes to all your needs where you can have 2 states: reading and editing, exchaning from a Label to a TextInput for example.

About your issue, I kwnow it and for now it's the only major issue with VirtualDataGrid that I'm aware and I was not able to find iet a stable fix, however I found a more or less workaround (you can find it on my DataGrid.as). I have created a bead DataGridScrollSpeed that I'm using on my DataGrid.as This slow a bit the scroll and the issue reduces for almost of the time unless you force several times.
You can decrease even more the speed and reduce 99% the issue.
It's not the correct fix but I was not able to find out a better approach.
If someone can fix this for good, great !


<cont...@cristallium.com> escreveu no dia terça, 25/04/2023 à(s) 18:46:

Hi All,

I'm on a dev using Apache Royale with Jewel DataGrid tryng to show about
500 rows.

But I have an issue when I set dataprovider : the application is hanging
about 20 seconds... Then I saw that there is a VirtualDataGrid.

Using it is very fast. But there is an issue with vertical scrollbar :
when using it from bottom to upper, it's working right, but from upper
to bottom the thumb goes away (on Chrome). The issue is visible on Tour
de Jewel :


(it's working is scrolling slow, but if I move down a little fast, then
the thumb go away from mouse and go immediatly to the end at bottom of

On Firefox : there is one scrollbar but when can't reach the end of list and on chrome there are 2 scrollbars, we can reach end of list but there
is an issue on using scrollbar from top to bottom

I saw a fix by Hugo, so I wanted to download last build on :


Unfortunaly it's dead. Is there a way to download last build on other
link ?


nb : I'm using sdk 0.9.10

Frédéric Gilli




[1] http://www.cristallium.com

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