I look forward to see your bead in action.

Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> escreveu no dia quarta, 26/04/2023 à(s) 10:39:

> > That means, that I could use a normal DataGrid and "emulated" the
> infinite
> > behaviour ?
> Yes.
> > On Apr 26, 2023, at 12:32 PM, Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Harbs,
> >
> > That's fantastic !
> > That means, that I could use a normal DataGrid and "emulated" the
> infinite
> > behaviour ?
> > If you managed time to push the bead with a example of use, would be
> great
> > (when you have time).
> >
> > But, don't forget that the user can grab the scroll bar and drop
> somewhere.
> >
> >
> >
> > Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com <mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>> escreveu
> no dia quarta, 26/04/2023 à(s) 10:26:
> >
> >> The way I handle performance in my app is with requestAnimationFrame.
> >>
> >> Stash an array of your data providers and add them i.e. 20 at a time:
> >>
> >>                private function handleScrollEnd():void{
> >>                        for(var i:int=0;i<20;i++){
> >>                                if(pendingTags.length){
> >>                                        // shift the first item and add
> it
> >> to tags
> >>
> tags.addItem(pendingTags.shift());
> >>                                } else {
> >>                                        break;
> >>                                }
> >>                        }
> >>                        tagsList.dataProvider = tags;
> >>                        if(pendingTags.length){
> >>                                requestAnimationFrame(handleScrollEnd);
> >>                        }
> >>                }
> >>
> >> This makes things very snappy.
> >>
> >> Another thing to look out for in terms of performance: Don’t create any
> >> unnecessary SVG elements (especially) in your itemRenderers. They are
> huge
> >> performance killers.
> >>
> >> Somewhat related:
> >>
> >> I recently learned about IntersectionObservers and it’s greatly improved
> >> my infinite scrolling code:
> >>
> >>
> >>                private var gridObserver:Object;
> >>                private var observedItem:DataItemRenderer;
> >>                private function observeGridItem(lastIndex:int):void{
> >>                        if(!gridObserver){
> >>                                gridObserver = new
> >> window["IntersectionObserver"](handleGridItemIntersection, {
> >>                                        root: view.images.element,
> >>                                        rootMargin: "0px",
> >>                                        threshold: 0.1
> >>                                });
> >>                        }
> >>                        unobserveGridItem();
> >>                        var dataContainerView:DataContainerView =
> >> prefUtils.treeLayout ? view.imageTree.view as DataContainerView :
> >> view.imageGrid.view as DataContainerView;
> >>                        observedItem =
> >> (dataContainerView).getItemRendererAt(lastIndex) as DataItemRenderer;
> >>                        if(observedItem && observedItem.element){
> >>
> gridObserver.observe(observedItem.element);
> >>                        }
> >>                }
> >>                private function unobserveGridItem():void{
> >>                        if(!observedItem){
> >>                                return;
> >>                        }
> >>                        if(!gridObserver){
> >>                                return;
> >>                        }
> >>                        gridObserver.unobserve(observedItem.element);
> >>                        observedItem = null;
> >>                }
> >>                private function
> >> handleGridItemIntersection(entries:Array):void{
> >>                        if(!entries.length){
> >>                                return;
> >>                        }
> >>                        var entry:Object = entries[0];
> >>                        if(entry.isIntersecting){
> >>                                unobserveGridItem();
> >>                                handleScrollEnd();
> >>                        }
> >>                }
> >>
> >>
> >> In this class, handleScrollEnd makes a request for more data.
> >>
> >> When I have time, I should really create beads for both of these
> >> patterns...
> >>
> >>> On Apr 26, 2023, at 11:19 AM, Hugo Ferreira <hferreira...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> File sent.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for trying to improve virtualdatagrid.
> >>> It is far from perfect but for those who want to use it for an
> >> application with a lot of data, for now it is the solution (or use
> >> pagination).
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Hugo.
> >>>
> >>> <cont...@cristallium.com <mailto:cont...@cristallium.com> <mailto:
> cont...@cristallium.com <mailto:cont...@cristallium.com>>> escreveu no
> >> dia quarta, 26/04/2023 à(s) 07:37:
> >>> Hi Hugo,
> >>>
> >>> Thank a lot for your reply and sharing.
> >>> I don't know if it's an issue with my webmail, I don't have an
> >> attachment. Could you send it directly on my email ? (contact at
> >> cristallium.com <http://cristallium.com/> <http://cristallium.com/ <
> http://cristallium.com/>> )
> >>> I will try with latest build from source to have some of your fix and
> >> study your DataGrid.as
> >>> I will keep you in touch if I can do more improvements
> >>> Regards
> >>> Fred
> >>>
> >>> Le 2023-04-25 23:51, Hugo Ferreira a écrit :
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> DataGrid does not work good with a lot of data (as you saw).
> >>>> You can use pagination (the users hate this approach and it's not very
> >> mobile friendly but it's technically a simple way to solve this
> problem) or
> >> you can render on the screen only what is visible (the users love this
> >> approach, it's mobile friendly but technically it's hard).
> >>>> Think about a game with 1000 players on the screen that you hide what
> >> is not visible at a specific moment.
> >>>>
> >>>> VirtualDataGrid have this goal however there are many chalenges to be
> >> usable.
> >>>> I saw in action several issues, I was able to find what I fix the
> >> majority of them and push to Royale github (I recomend compile from the
> >> lastest source), I was able to fix 2 other problems in a ugly way and
> for
> >> that reason I have an extension of the VirtualDataGrid on my libraries
> (as
> >> soon I find better approach, I will exchange this local patches to
> Royale).
> >>>> You can find in attachment my DataGrid.as that extends from Royale
> >> VirtualDataGrid.as
> >>>> The 2 issues are commented in English (sorry for my bad English), so
> >> it's easy to understand the issues and what the pach does.
> >>>>
> >>>> I also recomend to create ItemRenderes to all your needs where you can
> >> have 2 states: reading and editing, exchaning from a Label to a
> TextInput
> >> for example.
> >>>>
> >>>> About your issue, I kwnow it and for now it's the only major issue
> with
> >> VirtualDataGrid that I'm aware and I was not able to find iet a stable
> fix,
> >> however I found a more or less workaround (you can find it on my
> >> DataGrid.as).
> >>>> I have created a bead DataGridScrollSpeed that I'm using on my
> >> DataGrid.as
> >>>> This slow a bit the scroll and the issue reduces for almost of the
> time
> >> unless you force several times.
> >>>> You can decrease even more the speed and reduce 99% the issue.
> >>>> It's not the correct fix but I was not able to find out a better
> >> approach.
> >>>> If someone can fix this for good, great !
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> Hugo.
> >>>>
> >>>> <cont...@cristallium.com <mailto:cont...@cristallium.com> <mailto:
> cont...@cristallium.com <mailto:cont...@cristallium.com>>> escreveu no
> >> dia terça, 25/04/2023 à(s) 18:46:
> >>>> Hi All,
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm on a dev using Apache Royale with Jewel DataGrid tryng to show
> >> about
> >>>> 500 rows.
> >>>>
> >>>> But I have an issue when I set dataprovider : the application is
> >> hanging
> >>>> about 20 seconds... Then I saw that there is a VirtualDataGrid.
> >>>>
> >>>> Using it is very fast. But there is an issue with vertical scrollbar :
> >>>> when using it from bottom to upper, it's working right, but from upper
> >>>> to bottom the thumb goes away (on Chrome). The issue is visible on
> Tour
> >>>> de Jewel :
> >>>>
> >>>> https://royale.apache.org/tourdejewel/#!virtual_lists_panel <
> https://royale.apache.org/tourdejewel/#!virtual_lists_panel> <
> >> https://royale.apache.org/tourdejewel/#!virtual_lists_panel <
> https://royale.apache.org/tourdejewel/#!virtual_lists_panel>>
> >>>>
> >>>> (it's working is scrolling slow, but if I move down a little fast,
> then
> >>>> the thumb go away from mouse and go immediatly to the end at bottom of
> >>>> list)
> >>>>
> >>>> On Firefox : there is one scrollbar but when can't reach the end of
> >> list
> >>>> and on chrome there are 2 scrollbars, we can reach end of list but
> >> there
> >>>> is an issue on using scrollbar from top to bottom
> >>>>
> >>>> I saw a fix by Hugo, so I wanted to download last build on :
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>
> http://apacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs_jsonly/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/
> <
> http://apacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs_jsonly/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/
> >
> >> <
> >>
> http://apacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs_jsonly/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/
> <
> http://apacheroyaleci2.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com:8080/job/royale-asjs_jsonly/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/
> >
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Unfortunaly it's dead. Is there a way to download last build on other
> >>>> link ?
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards
> >>>>
> >>>> nb : I'm using sdk 0.9.10
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Frédéric Gilli
> >>> mob.0668542622
> >>> http://www.cristallium.com <http://www.cristallium.com/> <
> http://www.cristallium.com/ <http://www.cristallium.com/>>
> >>> <http://www.cristallium.com/ <http://www.cristallium.com/>>

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