Hi Daniel,

On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 13:22:25 -0400, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> >>Last time I checked OASIS does not specify standard formula names yet. 
> >
> >I doubt that OASIS would ever do,
> David Wheeler is working on an OpenFormula standard which could later be 
> used by OpenDocument.

Thanks, his current work is available at

I should have left out the "would ever do" and been more precise in my
previous statement, it should have been more something like

"I doubt that OASIS would do this for the OpenDocument specification".
This is based on the observation that is also cited in David Wheeler's
document in section 1.5, History, referring

I consider a formula standard to be more of the kind of other standards
such as MathML and XForms and the like. OpenDocument could define which
standards to use for content, but doesn't necessarily have to define the
standard itself, IMHO.


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter bedevilled I18N transpositionizer.
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