Niklas -- I'll focus on UNO components then. There will definitely be
dialogs and visual guides for people, but I've been focusing on functions
because I'd like to build something that can use any function in R, sort of
like a very basic scripting process that can send anything to R and get the
results back. The GUI could then use this function, rather than be confined
to a dialog.

Kohei -- Yes, I found your article incredibly useful - it was actually the
first thing I read when I started exploring the OpenOffice source code. If I
learn more new things, I'll write some more.


On 5/2/07, Kohei Yoshida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 23:55 -0400, Wojciech Gryc wrote:

> A little off-topic now, but I wrote an article for the wiki on adding
> functions to the Calc code:

Cool!  I'm actually glad to see someone did read my article, and decide
to write a sequel. :-)

The topic is good.  We need more articles like that - articles that are
focused more on hacking the core than just the UNO stuff.


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