Hi Leonard,

On Thursday, 2007-06-14 00:04:36 +0300, Leonard Mada wrote:

> [I think there is some confusion here, see next paragraph.]
> Basically, you cannot set a default *value* for the cell content. [see 
> later for usefulness]

You talk about _content value_ here

> >>A. I still feel that NO-one needs exactly 65536 rows x 256 columns.
> >No, but a fast way to select the entire sheet, whatever size it has, and
> >apply some attribute or style.
> BUT then, Calc could change only the default settings for the master 
> cell (or the  256 cells). NO need to copy the value

_value_ here

> to every single 
> cell, and 65536 x 256 becomes *irrelevant*. Calc could *fast scan* all 
> cells, to see IF any attributes

and from here on about _attributes_

> are explicitly set (IF that would 
> circumvent the master attribute), and reset them. This would be much 
> faster and surely more efficient (and elegant) then setting explicitly 
> every attribute.

This doesn't mix. I repeat again: Calc doesn't store attributes per
cell, but in ranges per column, so if you have all cells of a column
identically formatted there is one single attribution entry stored for
this column. If you change attributes of one cell somewhere in between
you get three entries, above, the cell and below. Setting another
attribute on the entire column will change only those three entries, no
need to touch 65536 cells.

> [...]
> I definitely recommend studying more advanced spreadsheet models, They 
> do exist for at least 10 years, and newer designs are really powerful. 
> When I will have some spare time, I will elaborate on my top 5 of 
> spreadsheet issues (this multidimensionality and the data 
> typing/transformation discussed on the OASIS list are just 2 of them).

As long as the top 80% issues are about "do it like Excel", "I can't
import that Excel file", "I can't export this to Excel" you'll get
exactly nowhere with whatever sophisticated new spreadsheet models. It
may all be nice and needed by a minority of users wanting to do very
serious business with it. It may be a highly anticipated and accepted
niche product, but in an Office suite, if you don't offer at least
a mode for Excel interoperability it just doesn't "sell".


 OOo/SO Calc core developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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