On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 09:58 +0200, Daniel Rentz wrote:
> Kohei,
> Kohei Yoshida schrieb:
> > As for the OOXML file, the texts with ruby are represented as follows.
> > 
> > <sst xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main";
> > count="2" uniqueCount="2">
> >     <si>
> >         <t>吉田浩平</t>
> >         <rPh sb="0" eb="2">
> >             <t>ヨシダ</t>
> >         </rPh>
> >         <rPh sb="2" eb="4">
> >             <t>コウヘイ</t>
> >         </rPh>
> >         <phoneticPr fontId="1"/>
> >     </si>
> >     <si>
> >         <t>私は今アメリカで働いています。</t>
> >         <rPh sb="0" eb="1">
> >             <t>ワタシ</t>
> >         </rPh>
> >         <rPh sb="2" eb="3">
> >             <t>イマ</t>
> >         </rPh>
> >         <rPh sb="8" eb="9">
> >             <t>ハタラ</t>
> >         </rPh>
> >         <phoneticPr fontId="1"/>
> >     </si>
> > </sst>
> > 
> > And this appears inside the sharedStrings.xml fragment.
> Just for interest: what do these examples mean in English? I want to add 
> them into our filter test documents.

Sure. :-)

The first string - 吉田浩平 - is simply my name, the last name and the
first in this order so it would translate into "Yoshida, Kohei".  And
the second string - 私は今アメリカで働いています。 - means "I currently
work in the US."


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