>I am sure we could do a simple implementation of the SPI for those
>that don't want to run Metrics.... but we don't need to as the
>proposal stands. It has a null impl built in.
yeah, that's right. It provides a No-Op implementation.

> isn't there another choice besides building our own?
We are adding api only and allowing different implementations to be supported.

>We have Sling commons, which is intended to host stuff that is not tied
>to Sling.
Sure, It can be moved there.

From: Carsten Ziegeler <cziege...@apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 7:17 PM
To: dev@sling.apache.org
Subject: Re: [RTC] SLING-4080 - API to capture/measure application-level metrics

Am 21.10.14 um 15:07 schrieb Ian Boston:

> Agreed, imho thats what Amit's proposal does, but it needs to be
> somewhere it can be used. If Oak and Felix dont want to use it, then
> Sling is the right place.
We have Sling commons, which is intended to host stuff that is not tied
to Sling.

My initial comment would have been the same as Bertrand, why reinvent?
But I've tried to use Yammer in the past and fell into the incompatible
API changes (and other things). It's a shame that there is no real
library out there which can be used ootb and does not come with the
mentioned problems....

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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