Bertrand Delacretaz wrote
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Ian Boston <> wrote:
>> ...Perhaps Sling has too many independently versioned modules. Linux[1]
>> manages to put many modules into a single repository and release it as a
>> clean consistent version....
> Good point, I agree that many of our modules are closely related, we
> might restructure as we go if we find a good way of managing them like
> this.
I'm not sure if we really need this, we're not having that many cross
module dependencies.
And then again, we have cases where api and impl are in different
bundles, releasing api which no change does not make sense just to get
impl out. And so on.

I think we had this discussion many times, agreed (with some
disagreement from individuals) to have one git repo per module. So let's
please stick to this plan.
If someone comes up with a super cool idea, then discuss that, but
unless there is let's move on



Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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