i've recently created a new commons sling component which i named "File System Content Parser", source currently at [1] related ticket is SLING-6592 [2].
it's main goal is to support various serializiation formats of resource content structures which are commonly used to export and import content to/from Sling or JCR. it parses the content structures to a simple nested Maps structure which can then be further processed by other components. it currently supports Jackrabbit FileVault XML format and the JSON format supported by Sling JCR ContentLoader. the component is used currently by the new version of fsresource and sling-mock. the API is quite simple. the question is - what should be the final name of this component. currently i've choosen the name "File System Content Parser", artifactId "o.a.s.commons.fscontentparser" because it deals with file formats most commonly used for serializing resource content to files and importing them back. konrad started a discussion in SLING-6592 [2] about alternatives because the API and usecase itself is not limited to be used only in combination with file system but any source. which name do you prefer? 1. fscontentparser 2. contentparser 3. fileparser 4. resourcedeserializer 5. other proposals? stefan [1] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/bundles/commons/fscontentparser [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-6592