On Wednesday 24 October 2018 06:55:06 Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> As usual we're giving ourselves and our users a hard time as we want to
> support all the possible options in the world instead of focusing on one
> or two options and make them as good as possible. I don't care what the
> solution is, but supporting 5 different ways of creating html is imho
> totally wrong and fragmenting our user base. Whether it is HTL or not is
> a different question.
> The current architecture of the rewriter is not optimal as it needs to
> reparse the output which is expensive. The servlet API has no support
> for streaming text based outputs so as long as we have that API in
> between we have a bad solution. Building on top of something where we
> know that its not a good thing, seems wrong to me as well.

Are there any plans to remove the Servlet API and switch to something else?


> Carsten

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