There are some other perlcritic warnings about modifying $_ in list functions
(in sa-update, spamassassin, spamd).  Opening a PR would be warranted.

What is a PR?  A bugzilla ticket?

Yes, a problem report. Sorry for using terminology from another context.

If there are other perl critic warnings, they are likely not enabled
in that test.

Opened a Bug 7119.
Probably depends on a version of Perl::Critic.

# Perl::Critic found these violations in
# "return" statement with explicit "undef" at line 287, column 5.

Opened a Bug 7120. It can be used as a reference in a comment
when adding "## no critic" annotations in code.

Looking back, this return undef was added after 3.4.0's release and
appears to have been added during the profiling work on

I probably fixed that potential or actual problem in passing.

The MS::Util::untaint_var() is still broken...
I'm reverting some recent changes and reverting back to the one undef


Do you feel confident enough about your change that I should modify or
notate the build process notes to ignore that issue for that specific
return undef?

For the 'return undef' in untaint_var() most definitely so.
That function can be used when assembling arguments in a
call to some other function, just as described in Bug 7120.

That statement deserves the  '## no critic'  annotation,
something like (untested) :

    # see Bug 7120
return undef if !defined $_[0]; ## no critic (ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef)

For other cases I didn't check.

Btw, common use of 'return 0' in TxRep to indicate a boolean response
falls into the same category as 'return undef', although Test::Perl::Critic
does not check for that.

I use no warnings 'uninitialized', 'once'; for a lot of my day to day work
so I can see that but my key concern is passing the tests required of a
release without trying to change those tests right now.

Testing in a boolean context does not issue a warning when
an expression is undefined. There is no reason to return
a zero (instead of undef or an empty list) when a subroutine
result is considered a boolean value.


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